
How to Value and Fund Agroecological Transformation

Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) has created a snapshot of agroecological funding. Quantitative data was collected via European online statistic platforms, whereas qualitative data was generated through questionnaires and interviews with stakeholders directly involved in practicing, funding, and implementing programmes on agroecology in various countries.

The research showd that across Europe, good examples do exist to support agroecology. These can be used as models to be scaled out in other contexts. Crucially, it is necessary to create more accessible and effective funding for agroecology to reach ‘grassroots’ actors on the ground, that is, the growing agroecology movement, which includes many young people and new entrants into farming, as well as small-scale farmers more broadly.

年份: 2023
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
内容语言: English
Author: Jesse Donham - Agroecology Europe Belgium; Nina Moeller - Coventry University; Ulrich Schmutz - Coventry University; Alexander Wezel - ISARA, France ,
类别: 政策简报
