
Agroecology: Foundations in Agrarian Social Thought and Sociological Theory

This article examines the origins and impacts of agricultural modernization to reveal the social foundations of agroecology as both scientific discipline and agrarian social movement. The impacts of capitalism on rural societies have provided a focus for social thought and mobilization since the 1800s and so we consider some of the competing discourses that have accompanied the development of industrial agriculture. We also reflect on the emergence of modern environmental concern and how growing preoccupation with the negative impacts of industrialization has prompted radical proposals for the reformulation of longstanding sociological assumptions and approaches to agricultural and rural development.

Title of publication: Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
卷号: 37
国际标准刊号: 2168-3565
页数: 32–44
年份: 2013
内容语言: English
Author: Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán ,
类别: 杂志文章
