
Agroecology in Europe: Conforming – or transforming the dominant agro-food regime?

Agroecological methods draw on ecological relationships among natural resources for agronomic practices by drawing on scientific and farmers’ knowledge. Proponents have developed collaborations for improving and promoting agroecological cultivation methods, alongside wider measures for strengthening public support and reshaping agro-food markets. From an agenda for transforming the dominant agro-food regime, a CSO network has argued, ‘Agroecological forms of production must be defined as the standard form of production in the EU’ (FoodSovCap, 2010). ‘Agroecology as understood by social movements is complementary and inseparable from food sovereignty we want to build’ (ECVC, 2013). The dominant agro-food regime can be transformed by decoupling from external inputs, while recoupling with farmers’ knowledge for environmental and social benefits. By contrast to that transformative agenda, agroecological methods also have been incorporated within the dominant agro-food regime. Such agendas include ‘conservation agriculture’ and ‘sustainable intensification’ as a broad framework for increasing productivity. These agendas generate tensions, over the wider aims and role of agroecology, for its practitioners as well as for the EU policy system.

地点: Brussels
年份: 2013
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
内容语言: English
Author: Levidow, L. , Pimbert, M., Stassart, P., Vanloqueren, G
类别: 会议记录
Organization: Centre for Agroecology and Food Security at the Coventry University
