
Local Food: Revitalizing Community-based Food Systems

Given the sheer number of people involved and the diverse geographies represented, AGree collected dozens of recommendations for supporting and strengthening local food systems. Using a national policy lens, we worked to develop recommendations that are universal in their application (e.g., less place-specific) given the national focus of AGree. Through this process, we have identified six overarching recommendations to support U.S. local and regional food systems, be they nascent or well established in their efforts to promote production for local consumption. While we recognize that there are important roles for the private sector and civil society to play in building vibrant community- based food systems, these recommendations are largely directed at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), other federal agencies, and the foundation community.

年份: 2015
国家: United States of America
内容语言: English
Author: AGree ,
类别: 政策简报
Organization: AGree
