
Double Degree MSc Programme Agroecology - Organic Agriculture: ISARA-Lyon (France) and Wageningen University (The Netherlands)

Students will get the opportunity to understand structure and function of complex agroecosystems. They will learn to apply systems approaches in studying, designing and evaluating (agricultural) systems and food production chains, and to develop creative solutions for sustainable farming and marketing of organic or other quality products. The program teaches a multidisciplinary approach in which natural science is combined with social science. It is aimed at international students with a strong interest in sustainable agriculture and agroecosystem management. The Double Diploma Program Agorecology - Organic Agriculture is designed as a two-year programme curriculum including a practical thesis project. The programme combines 4 semesters with semester 1 and 2 in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and semester 3 at ISARA (member of FESIA) in Lyon, France, and a 4th semester for the master thesis co-supervised by ISARA and Wageningen.

地点: Lyon, France and Wageningen, the Netherlands
国家: France, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
内容语言: English
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类别: 学习
Organization: Jointly offered by ISARA-Lyon (France) and Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
