Agroecology Knowledge Hub


Agroecology plays an important role in contributing to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty, and as a means to facilitate the transition to more productive, sustainable and inclusive food systems. Creating a greater awareness of agroecology and its advantages is an important step to help policy-makers, farmers and researchers to apply this approach to achieve a world without hunger.

The database provides a starting point to organize the existing knowledge on agroecology, collecting articles, videos, case studies, books and other important material in one place. The objective is to support policy-makers, farmers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders through knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer. The database is a ‘living process’ that is constantly being updated.

The external references on this website are provided for informational purpose only - they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FAO.

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Gender related content
Agroecology will only materialize as a scientific and development paradigm when professionals trained exist in the same logic. The Federal Institutes (IFs) were created in 2008. It proposes a new institutional framework capable of promoting an educational policy committed to local and regional sustainable development, besides outlining strategies for social...
Journal article
Across the globe, the countryside faces the " generation problem " : Who will grow food when the current generation of aging small farmers and peasants disappears? A combination of objective and subjective factors effectively discourages young people from assuming the continuity of peasant and family farming, especially in countries...
Journal article
Promouvoir et soutenir l’agroécologie paysanne implique une mise en cohérence des politiques publiques. Il n’est pas possible de soutenir parallèlement des modèles qui lui nuisent. L’agroécologie est un modèle qui s’inscrit dans son territoire et se construit en fonction de l’environnement et des savoirs des populations. Cette dépendance au milieu...
Journal article
Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views...
South Africa
Fact sheet
Biowatch believes that seed must stay firmly in the hands of farmers and, therefore, is committed to supporting farmers to establish household seed banks and community seed networks. Biowatch puts this into practice by providing training in agroecology and support to small-holder farmers in KwaNgwanase, Pongola, Ingwavuma, Tshaneni and KwaHhohho...
South Africa
Fact sheet
FAN was born out of the need to regularly inform a wide range of stakeholders about aquaculture development, especially in developing countries, to disseminate news about the many and diverse FAO field projects, and to inform about FAO global activities developed at headquarters. This issue is being published ahead of an important intergovernmental event, the 10th Session of the COFI SCA, to...
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