Agroecology Knowledge Hub


Agroecology plays an important role in contributing to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty, and as a means to facilitate the transition to more productive, sustainable and inclusive food systems. Creating a greater awareness of agroecology and its advantages is an important step to help policy-makers, farmers and researchers to apply this approach to achieve a world without hunger.

The database provides a starting point to organize the existing knowledge on agroecology, collecting articles, videos, case studies, books and other important material in one place. The objective is to support policy-makers, farmers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders through knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer. The database is a ‘living process’ that is constantly being updated.

The external references on this website are provided for informational purpose only - they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FAO.

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Governments and specialized international agencies have successfully promoted cassava production in Malawi and Zambia in order to reduce drought vulnerability and dependency on maize monocropping
Malawi - Zambia
Case study
Manor House Agricultural Center provides training in low input farming as an alternative to conventional methods, which are heavily reliant on external inputs. Farmers practicing biointensive farming techniques experience significant yield increases and improved soil fertility and grow more nutritious crops. Since 1984, over 100,000 farmers have received this training,...
Case study
Banana wilt is a devastating bacterial disease caused by the Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum bacteria. The wilt dries out the male bud and causes premature ripening of the banana plant’s fruits, making it impossible to consume or commercialize the product. In 2008 Action Against Hunger (ACF-USA) implemented a food security...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Case study
Launched in West and Northwest Cameroon in 1999, the Agricultural and Tree Products Program is now working with over 10,000 farmers and 50 entrepreneurs in 485 communities. In addition to establishing more than 40 nurseries where tree propagation techniques are studied and disseminated among farmers, the program improves farmers’ incomes,...
Case study
Dans le cadre de ses programmes de sécurité alimentaire, Action Contre la Faim-USA (ACFUSA)* a mis en œuvre des foires aux semences dans les zones rurales de l’Ouganda et de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les foires mises en œuvre dans les districts de Lira et d’Oyam en Ouganda...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Case study
La production de coton en Afrique de l’Ouest est basée sur un système de production intensive chimique qui a des effets négatifs sur la santé humaine et l’environnement. La volatilité du marché mondial est également problématique, laissant de nombreux agriculteurs endettés lorsque les prix baissent. La production de coton biologique...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Mali
Case study
Total results:2689