Agroecology Knowledge Hub


Agroecology plays an important role in contributing to the eradication of hunger and extreme poverty, and as a means to facilitate the transition to more productive, sustainable and inclusive food systems. Creating a greater awareness of agroecology and its advantages is an important step to help policy-makers, farmers and researchers to apply this approach to achieve a world without hunger.

The database provides a starting point to organize the existing knowledge on agroecology, collecting articles, videos, case studies, books and other important material in one place. The objective is to support policy-makers, farmers, researchers and other relevant stakeholders through knowledge exchange and knowledge transfer. The database is a ‘living process’ that is constantly being updated.

The external references on this website are provided for informational purpose only - they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by FAO.

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The Oakland Institute today released 33 case studies that shed light on the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture across the African continent in the face of climate change, hunger, and poverty.
Case study
The International Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems has been jointly organized by FAO and CAAS, and the People’s Government of Yunnan Province of China, with the support of the Government of France. In his message from the Director General of FAO, Ren Wang, Assistant Director-General stressed that:...
As atividades relacionadas à produção agrícola estão entre as que mais têm gerado impactos sobre o meio ambiente. A produção intensiva é grande consumidora de energia, além de fonte de contaminação da água, ar e solo, por meio, especialmente, de resíduos de pesticidas e de fertilizantes. A expansão das fronteiras...
Esta coletânea contém os trabalhos premiados na 4ª edição do Prêmio Margarida Alves de Estudos Rurais e Gênero, realizado pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), por meio da Diretoria de Políticas para Mulheres (DPMR) e do Núcleo de Estudos Agrários e Desenvolvimento Rural (Nead), em parceria com o Instituto Nacional...
Este caderno expressa o jeito próprio das mulheres fazer as coisas, de produzir conhecimentos juntas, a pedagogia feminista, partilhada com muitas mulheres catingueiras, pesquisadoras, experimentadorras e agricultoras. A publicação é o resultado de um esforço conjunto de sintetizar a riqueza do processo de vivências de 210 mulheres agricultoras e experimentadoras de...
The significance and value of local and traditional farmers’ knowledge on improving agricultural practices is gaining more and more recognition. Participatory Guarantee Systems have been shown to hold great potential, to encourage knowledge sharing between farmers, and thus contribute to nurturing farmers’ knowledge.
Total results:2676