Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Base de datos

La agroecología desempeña una función importante con vistas a contribuir a la erradicación del hambre y la pobreza extrema y como vía para facilitar la transición a sistemas alimentarios más productivos, sostenibles e inclusivos. Crear una mayor conciencia de la agroecología y sus ventajas es un paso importante a fin de ayudar a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores y los investigadores a aplicar este enfoque para lograr un mundo libre del hambre.

La base de datos ofrece un punto de partida para organizar los conocimientos existentes sobre agroecología, mediante la recopilación de artículos, vídeos, estudios de casos, libros y material importante de otros tipos en un único lugar. El objetivo es prestar apoyo a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores, los investigadores y otras partes interesadas pertinentes mediante el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimientos. La base de datos es un "proceso vivo" por cuanto se actualiza constantemente.

Las referencias externas de este sitio web se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos y no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.  

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Some of the systemic problems and challenges that have resulted from this labyrinth of standards and conformity assessment systems are as follows: Import discrimination whereby compliance is required with standards not always suitable to the agro-ecological conditions of exporting countries; Multiple accreditation of certification bodies in order to access international markets, namely...
Actas de conferencia
The Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries was convened by FAO at the request of the twenty-fifth session of the Committee on Fisheries, Rome, 24-28 February 2003. Drawing upon various sources including relevant guides of the International Organization...
Informe de la Conferencia
The Third Expert Meeting on Socially and Environmentally Responsible Horticulture Production and Trade was held in Nuremberg, 16 February 2003. Various representatives of standard setting and certification bodies, as well as producers and traders of fresh produce presented their experiences and opinion on the theme of the meeting: "Building partnerships...
Actas de conferencia
This book on international harmonisation and equivalence in organic agriculture, is but one of the many outcomes from The Conference on International Harmonisation and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture organised in February 2002 by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of...
This study is the latest forward assessment by FAO of possible future developments in world food, nutrition and agriculture, including the crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries sectors. It is the product of a multidisciplinary exercise, involving most of the technical units and disciplines present in FAO, as well as specialists...
Since the mid-1990s the market for organic foods has been expanding rapidly in many developed countries. FAO and the International Trade Centre (ITC) estimate that world retail sales of organic foods reached US$20 billion in 2001, up 25 percent from $16 billion in 20001 . ITC (2002a) has forecast that...
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