Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Base de datos

La agroecología desempeña una función importante con vistas a contribuir a la erradicación del hambre y la pobreza extrema y como vía para facilitar la transición a sistemas alimentarios más productivos, sostenibles e inclusivos. Crear una mayor conciencia de la agroecología y sus ventajas es un paso importante a fin de ayudar a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores y los investigadores a aplicar este enfoque para lograr un mundo libre del hambre.

La base de datos ofrece un punto de partida para organizar los conocimientos existentes sobre agroecología, mediante la recopilación de artículos, vídeos, estudios de casos, libros y material importante de otros tipos en un único lugar. El objetivo es prestar apoyo a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores, los investigadores y otras partes interesadas pertinentes mediante el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimientos. La base de datos es un "proceso vivo" por cuanto se actualiza constantemente.

Las referencias externas de este sitio web se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos y no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.  

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With increasing pressure on farmers to improve the performance of their cropping systems, there is a growing need to design cropping systems that respond concurrently to environmental, agronomic and socioeconomic constraints. However, the trade-offs between ecosystem services, including provisioning services, can vary considerably from plot to plot. Using a typology...
Costa Rica
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Agroecosystems represent 38 % of global land use. Agroecosystems are located close to human settlements and are managed to produce food and fibers, traded in markets. Agroecosystems also produce other goods and services essential to human beings, such as climate regulation, flood mitigation, and landscape amenity. Economists and ecologists have...
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Farmers are facing serious plant protection issues and phytosanitary risks, in particular in the tropics. Such issues are food insecurity, lower income in traditional low-input agroecosystems, adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and on the environment in intensive systems and export restrictions due to strict regulations on quarantine...
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Plant diversification using cover crops may promote natural regulation of agricultural pests by supporting alternative prey that enable the increase of arthropod predator densities. However, the changes in the specific composition of predator diet induced by cover cropping are poorly understood. Here, we hypothesized that the cover crop can significantly...
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Primary resources may affect the structure of species assemblages in upper trophic levels of food webs. These bottom-up effects may involve important ecological processes that affect pest control. For example, population densities of natural enemies may increase when alternative preys are favored by a new resource. In this study, we...
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In Central Cameroon cocoa is mainly produced by household farming systems based on complex associations between cocoa and companion trees. Setup either on native/remnant forest or savannah, these agroforestry systems (AFS) are managed according their geographical position and local pedoclimatic conditions. In this paper, the authors investigated the effects of...
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