Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Base de datos

La agroecología desempeña una función importante con vistas a contribuir a la erradicación del hambre y la pobreza extrema y como vía para facilitar la transición a sistemas alimentarios más productivos, sostenibles e inclusivos. Crear una mayor conciencia de la agroecología y sus ventajas es un paso importante a fin de ayudar a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores y los investigadores a aplicar este enfoque para lograr un mundo libre del hambre.

La base de datos ofrece un punto de partida para organizar los conocimientos existentes sobre agroecología, mediante la recopilación de artículos, vídeos, estudios de casos, libros y material importante de otros tipos en un único lugar. El objetivo es prestar apoyo a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores, los investigadores y otras partes interesadas pertinentes mediante el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimientos. La base de datos es un "proceso vivo" por cuanto se actualiza constantemente.

Las referencias externas de este sitio web se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos y no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.  

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Gender related content
It is argued here that agroecology - a science that provides ecological principles for the design and management of sustainable and resource-conserving agricultural systems - offers several advantages over the conventional agronomic or agroindustrial approach. First, agroecology relies on indigenous farming knowledge and selected modern technologies to manage diversity, incorporate...
documento normativo
This volume, Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‐Saharan Africa, demonstrates the possibility of harmonizing agricultural production with the wellbeing of the biosphere – and that this can be achieved in Africa, our biosphere’s least developed continent, and the continent which is likely to suffer most from climate change....
This new volume published by FAO  tries inspiration from the Conference on Mainstreaming Organic Agriculture in the African Development Agenda held in Lusaka, Zambia in May 2012. It expands on selected research shared during the event and demonstrates that organic management can benefit people, the economy and ecosystems, particularly in...
The Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) funds participatory, collaborative research on agroecological intensification, bringing smallholder farmers, researchers, development professionals, and others together to create technology to improve nutrition, livelihoods, and productivity for farming communities in Africa and South America. Playlists: Urine as an effective, low-cost fertilizer (6 videos) Women’s Ag...
Dr. M Jahi Chappell at the World Food Prize: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Background In September 2014 the International symposium on agroecology for food security and nutrition was held in FAO HQ, Rome (www.fao.org/3/a-i4327e.pdf). This has been followed in 2015 by three regional meetings in Latin America (www.fao.org/3/a-i5143e.pdf), sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and the Pacific (www.fao.org/3/a-i5672e.pdf). In order to continue to develop this regional approach,...
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