Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Base de datos

La agroecología desempeña una función importante con vistas a contribuir a la erradicación del hambre y la pobreza extrema y como vía para facilitar la transición a sistemas alimentarios más productivos, sostenibles e inclusivos. Crear una mayor conciencia de la agroecología y sus ventajas es un paso importante a fin de ayudar a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores y los investigadores a aplicar este enfoque para lograr un mundo libre del hambre.

La base de datos ofrece un punto de partida para organizar los conocimientos existentes sobre agroecología, mediante la recopilación de artículos, vídeos, estudios de casos, libros y material importante de otros tipos en un único lugar. El objetivo es prestar apoyo a los encargados de formular las políticas, los agricultores, los investigadores y otras partes interesadas pertinentes mediante el intercambio y la transferencia de conocimientos. La base de datos es un "proceso vivo" por cuanto se actualiza constantemente.

Las referencias externas de este sitio web se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos y no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.  

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This omnibus film presents several young families practicing organic or natural farming in different regions in Japan including Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Gojo City, Nara Prefecture. Some of them are refugees of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident of March 2011. The director of the film, Mr. Okada who is...
This article traces the coming of a genetically modified (GM) cotton-agrochemical complex to highland eastern India. In this region of rich biodiversity and Indigenous systems of food and agroecology, GM cotton cultivation has seen a meteoric rise over the past decade. It explores how this shift from a no-input polyculture...
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Soils, the basis of agroecosystems, have been generated and continuously modified not only by the interaction of physical, chemical, and biological factors but also by human activities, driven by local values and knowledge. The way different peoples relate to soil thus reflects diverse ways of knowing and being, and has...
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This study embarks on an in-depth examination of “Afro-Indigenous communities” in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, scrutinizing the intricate relationships between the hacienda system’s historical legacies and local agroecological practices. Employing a blend of historical–geographical analysis, ethnography, and participatory methods, the study exposes how ethnoracial identities, particularly Afro-Indigenous, are intrinsically...
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How can civil society support community-based organizing that puts ways of knowing and being at the heart of food systems change? Drawing upon a collaboration between two non-profit organizations and a community-based network of rural women across Bangladesh, this essay explores frictions and contradictions that trouble our efforts to co-create...
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This manual on the agroecological production of vegetables provides the required information for the transition to agroecological production systems and healthy ecosystems. The manual offers an analysis of challenges faced in the production of vegetables in Kenya which aims to accelerate agroecological vegetable production by providing information on suitable approaches...
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