Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Base de données

L'agroécologie joue un rôle majeur: elle contribue à l'élimination de la faim et de l'extrême pauvreté, et facilite la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus productifs, plus durables et plus inclusifs. Sensibiliser davantage à l'agroécologie et à ses avantages est une étape importante pour aider décideurs, agriculteurs et chercheurs à appliquer cette approche au service d'un monde libéré de la faim.

La base de données est un point de départ dont le but est d'organiser les connaissances existantes sur l'agroécologie, en rassemblant en un même endroit articles, vidéos, études de cas, ouvrages et autres matériels importants. L'objectif est d'aider les décideurs, les agriculteurs, les chercheurs et autres parties concernées grâce à l'échange et à la mise en commun de connaissances. La base de données est un instrument dynamique qui est constamment actualisé.

Les références externes indiquées sur ce site web sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas une approbation de la part de la FAO.

Recherche dans la base de données

Recherche en plein texte
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Gender related content
A methodology is proposed to estimate soil quality and crop health based on simple indicators that are easy to use. Based on the estimation of these indicators, producers and researchers can determine the agroecological status of the plantation. With the values obtained for each indicator, "amoeba" diagrams are constructed, which...
Costa Rica
article de journal
Agroecology is fashionable. It represents a new opportunity for social movements to progress towards a transformation of food systems. However, the risk of being co-opted, institutionalized and its political content taken back has also risen. This paper analyzes that crossroad from the perspective of political ecology: if agroecology is to...
article de journal
The serious challenges regarding agricultural unsustainability cannot be solved by exclusively relying upon technological changes that reduce environmental burdens. Although technological changes are important, is also crucial to transform the whole food system. The Participatory Research Action (PRA) approach is a methodological approach in order to collaborate among local communities...
article de journal
The concept of agroecology in the United States originates from a dialectic process of co-creation of knowledge by which agroecology has formed thanks to the local alternatives policies and practices. This paper examines the relationship between agroecology and alternative food movements, while identifying opportunities for further collaboration. The paper concludes...
United States of America
article de journal
This paper briefly discusses the progress and challenges brought by the integration of agroecological approaches into Brazilian institutions. It covers the struggles of rural social movements that work on the ‘agroecological fields’ of the country. The processes leading to the creation of the National Agroecology Articulation (ANA) and the Brazilian...
article de journal
Facing the recurrent global food crisis, the food’s corporative regime institutions propose a new Green Revolution alongside the continuation of neoliberal economic policies. As those policies are precisely the origin and cause of the aforementioned crisis, this approach can only worsen global hunger. Building a counter-movement depends upon strategic alliances...
United States of America
article de journal
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