Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Base de données

L'agroécologie joue un rôle majeur: elle contribue à l'élimination de la faim et de l'extrême pauvreté, et facilite la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus productifs, plus durables et plus inclusifs. Sensibiliser davantage à l'agroécologie et à ses avantages est une étape importante pour aider décideurs, agriculteurs et chercheurs à appliquer cette approche au service d'un monde libéré de la faim.

La base de données est un point de départ dont le but est d'organiser les connaissances existantes sur l'agroécologie, en rassemblant en un même endroit articles, vidéos, études de cas, ouvrages et autres matériels importants. L'objectif est d'aider les décideurs, les agriculteurs, les chercheurs et autres parties concernées grâce à l'échange et à la mise en commun de connaissances. La base de données est un instrument dynamique qui est constamment actualisé.

Les références externes indiquées sur ce site web sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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The dosage effects of phosphorous applications on yield of maize and chickpea under mono-cropping and intercropping systems were investigated using Jiang-Gu inorganic phosphorus fractionation method in irrigated sierozems in the Gansu Yellow River Irrigation District. The results showed that the contents of inorganic phosphorus were in the following order: OP >...
article de journal
Nutrient uptake and utilization play an important role in yield advantage of intercropping. However, the effects of nutrient and utilization on yield advantage of new intercropping systems are rarely explored in Northwest China. A field experiment was carried out to investigate those effects under maize & potato, maize & rapeseed,...
article de journal
Being the kernel of the traditional agriculture of China, and one of the major practices in developing ecological agriculture, intercropping still occupies an important position in modern agriculture in China as well as other parts of the world. One of the advantages of intercropping are higher yields relative to monocultures,...
article de journal
Intercropping is one of the traditional farming systems practiced by farmers in China for more than 2,000 years with some intriguing ecological principles. Previous studies have shown that intercropping enhances not only crop productivity but also the efficient utilization of resources, both above-ground and below-ground. Recent research efforts have made...
article de journal
In semi-arid cropping regions of West Africa, fallow periods are getting shorter. As land becomes more scarce, farmers are not able to give their soils enough time to rest. This is leading to depletion of soil organic matter, severely threatening soil fertility and damaging soil structure. In the worst cases,...
Burkina Faso
Étude de cas
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in the Sahel whose economy is highly dominated by agriculture and livestock husbandry, with more than 70% of the population living in rural areas. The prevailing farming system is smallholder agriculture based on cereal production, especially sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and pearl millet...
Burkina Faso
Étude de cas
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