Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Base de données

L'agroécologie joue un rôle majeur: elle contribue à l'élimination de la faim et de l'extrême pauvreté, et facilite la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus productifs, plus durables et plus inclusifs. Sensibiliser davantage à l'agroécologie et à ses avantages est une étape importante pour aider décideurs, agriculteurs et chercheurs à appliquer cette approche au service d'un monde libéré de la faim.

La base de données est un point de départ dont le but est d'organiser les connaissances existantes sur l'agroécologie, en rassemblant en un même endroit articles, vidéos, études de cas, ouvrages et autres matériels importants. L'objectif est d'aider les décideurs, les agriculteurs, les chercheurs et autres parties concernées grâce à l'échange et à la mise en commun de connaissances. La base de données est un instrument dynamique qui est constamment actualisé.

Les références externes indiquées sur ce site web sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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I grew up in a place known as Kabazi, Subukia Constituency and Nakuru County in Kenya. As a child of a family farming household, I had to participate in farming activities alongside my education. The family depended on its member’s labour to be able to provide adequate and nutritious food...
Dilemma It had been a year since I completed my bachelor’s degree in agriculture, but the dilemma of what to do next still continued. “Should I find a job or get a master’s degree? If I am going for a master’s degree, which subject should I choose, what is my field...
We were launching a rural tourism project just as the Covid-19 pandemic startled the world. How ironic, after waiting years for funding for our local organization Nawaya, we were incapable to do basic fieldwork. We were excited and decided not to delay important work. As we were unable to meet...
We are Magdalene and Gillian, trainers working for Kulika Uganda. We are passionate about seeing that people engaged in agriculture adopt sustainable farming practices which are easy to implement and have benefits for the people and the planet.  Kulika is a non-government organization working with rural communities to empower people to...
It was another hot and humid day, another power cut, the generator groaning in the background. Fans were spinning and pumping hot air around as the A/C didn’t work with the generator. I looked around the office, everyone seemed bored, scrolling through Facebook, chatting occasionally. I felt sad that there...
I spent my summer vacations at my grandma's after my 6th-grade examinations. Grandma lives in a small village in Kerala in India. It was always fun to be at her place, spending my days playing, helping in the kitchen and feeding the cows. I rarely visited grandma every year as...
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