Центр знаний об агроэкологии

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Агроэкологии отведена важная роль в ликвидации голода и крайней нищеты, а также в процессе перехода к более продуктивным, устойчивым и инклюзивным продовольственным системам. Повышение уровня осведомленности об агроэкологии и ее преимуществах – мера, необходимая для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам и исследователям в применении данного подхода и освобождении мира от голода.

Эта база данных служит отправной точкой для упорядочивания имеющихся знаний по агроэкологии, сбора статей, видео, конкретных примеров, книг и других важных материалов в одном месте. Она создана для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам, исследователям и другим соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам путем обмена знаниями. База данных – это "живая", постоянно обновляющаяся система.

Внешние ссылки на данном веб-сайте приводятся только в информационных целях - они не означают одобрения со стороны ФАО.

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The initiative is located in Central India, encompassing the Vidarbha District and the adjoining districts of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Dietary-based anemia is a widespread problem, especially amongst young women. The area is facing an acute agrarian crisis. One of its causes is climate change and the increasingly unpredictable monsoon...
The mission of the Voluntary Association of Agricultural General Development Health and Reconstruction Alliance in India (VAAGDHARA) is to create and nurture vibrant institutions of poor and tribal peoples in Western India so that they have sustainable livelihoods through scientific, indigenous and appropriate knowledge and technologies and their children are well...
The initiative is located in the Chittoor district in the Rayalaseema region of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. With a tropical climate, Chittoor is one of the most drought prone districts in the country, a problem exacerbated by depletion of natural resources, global warming, increasing population pressure, pollution, loss...
The initiative is located on the Deccan Plateau of India. The climate is semi-arid in the north but tropical elsewhere. The majority of the farming population own less than one hectare of land and live and work in fragile environments, with little capital for investment and few off-farm employment opportunities....
The initiative takes place in the central part of the Brazilian semi-arid region. Due to climatic irregularities, this region has a high risk of losses of rainfall-dependent crops, with low and poorly distributed rainfall over time and space. Soil conditions are also varied; most are shallow and contain little organic...
The Caatinga recovery program takes place in the Caatinga biome in the Brazilian semiarid region, within the Sertão do São Francisco Territory. Approximately 50% of this region is seriously affected by desertification. The initiative created processes of Recaatingamento in order to keep the Caatinga ecosystem productive and healthy. Recaatingamento is an...
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