Центр знаний об агроэкологии

База данных

Агроэкологии отведена важная роль в ликвидации голода и крайней нищеты, а также в процессе перехода к более продуктивным, устойчивым и инклюзивным продовольственным системам. Повышение уровня осведомленности об агроэкологии и ее преимуществах – мера, необходимая для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам и исследователям в применении данного подхода и освобождении мира от голода.

Эта база данных служит отправной точкой для упорядочивания имеющихся знаний по агроэкологии, сбора статей, видео, конкретных примеров, книг и других важных материалов в одном месте. Она создана для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам, исследователям и другим соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам путем обмена знаниями. База данных – это "живая", постоянно обновляющаяся система.

Внешние ссылки на данном веб-сайте приводятся только в информационных целях - они не означают одобрения со стороны ФАО.

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Gender related content
With the development of food tech, more and more services in short food circuits are provided via computerized tools: production monitoring, plot management, product catalog management, online sales via e-commerce tools, invoicing, accounting, etc. Today, these tools operate globally in a logic of silos and despite the existence of some Application...
This publication proposes strategies and guidelines for policies that will serve as concrete contributions to the National Agroecology Plan of Uruguay. For this purpose, it analyzes in-depth three strategic areas as public procurement, certification, and the agro-export sector. To prepare this publication, interviews and workshops were held with the broad participation of...
Политический обзор/документ
The need to ensure farmers’ livelihoods and welfare as well as national food security urges decision-makers to effectively tackle the challenges posed by climate change. Understanding how climate change affects the crop sector is essential for identifying appropriate and effective solutions to increase the resilience of the agriculture sector to...
Sri Lanka
Политический обзор/документ
The positive impact of agroecological practices and their environmental, socio-cultural, health, and economic benefits are highlighted in three interesting case studies from the “Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology” project, funded by the Agroecology Fund and launched by Slow Food in collaboration with its local networks in Uganda,...
Congo - Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
In order to address the challenges of food insecurity and poverty, the unsustainability of agri-food systems, and migration, many actors, donors, local elected officials, universities, research institutes, NGOs, local and international associations, producers, and farmers' organizations are committed to the defense of family farming through an agroecological transition in Senegal. ...
The Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology (SEAE) has organized the Technical Conference, under the slogan "One health. One planet. A diverse rural world": because the health of people is inseparable from the health of our planet. In this symbiosis, the rural world plays a fundamental role as the...
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