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Эта база данных служит отправной точкой для упорядочивания имеющихся знаний по агроэкологии, сбора статей, видео, конкретных примеров, книг и других важных материалов в одном месте. Она создана для оказания поддержки политикам, фермерам, исследователям и другим соответствующим заинтересованным сторонам путем обмена знаниями. База данных – это "живая", постоянно обновляющаяся система.

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Based on the ecological niche theory, population composition, dynamics, time and niche of rice plant hoppers and main predatory arthropods were investigated using grey relational analysis in three experimental treatment plots. Chemical fertilizer utilization, integrated rice-duck cultivation and no chemical pesticides/fertilizer application. Results indicated that differences in individual numbers, temporal...
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To examine the application prospect of system dynamics approach in pest population optimal management and prediction, population dynamics of the second generation of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) was investigated in this paper. The influence of dominant predators of C. medinalis (Guenee), including spiders and ducks in rice paddy field, were analyzed...
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The differences between rice-duck integrated farming system (DRIFS), duck raising in paddy field system and conventional rice monocropping system were compared. The structure including biological and environmental components, spatial and temporal structures and functions of DRIFS were also introduced and discussed. Finally, several problems and their related technology innovation directions...
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Integrated rice-duck farming system (IRFS), as an environmentally friendly technology, has been applied and practiced in many provinces in China and some countries in Asia. There are various ecological effects to be proved in IRFS. This paper reviewed studies on the ecological effects of ducks on rice canopy structure, rice...
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The culture of ducks in rice fields is a long-standing traditional integrated farming practice in China. There has been a wide variety of studies on ecological and economic benefits from raising duck in rice fields, such as decreasing harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers, a high efficacy in nutrient recycling, and...
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A field plot experiment was conducted to study the community structure and species diversity of major predatory natural enemies in a rice-duck integrated farming system across rice growth season. Three treatments were installed, namely, rice-duck farming, conventional rice farming, and the control. The dominant species of major predatory natural enemies...
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Total results:2738