Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Circular and solidarity economy: it reconnects producers and consumers and provides innovative solutions for living within our planetary boundaries while ensuring the social foundation for inclusive and sustainable development

Agroecology seeks to reconnect producers and consumers through a circular and solidarity economy that prioritizes local markets and supports local economic development by creating virtuous cycles. Agroecological approaches promote fair solutions based on local needs, resources and capacities, creating more equitable and sustainable markets. Strengthening short food circuits can increase the incomes of food producers while maintaining a fair price for consumers. These include new innovative markets, alongside more traditional territorial markets, where most smallholders market their products.

Social and institutional innovations play a key role in encouraging agroecological production and consumption. Examples of innovations that help link producers and consumers include participatory guarantee schemes, local producer’s markets, denomination of origin labelling, community supported agriculture and e-commerce schemes. These innovative markets respond to a growing demand from consumers for healthier diets.

Re-designing food systems based on the principles of circular economy can help address the global food waste challenge by making food value chains shorter and more resource-efficient. Currently, one third of all food produced is lost or wasted, failing to contribute to food security and nutrition, while exacerbating pressure on natural resources. The energy used to produce food that is lost or wasted is approximately 10 percent of the world’s total energy consumption, while the food waste footprint is equivalent to 3.5 Gt CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions per year.


Agroecology Newsletter of July 2022
This video is produced in the framework of the EATingCRAFT project with the financial assistance of the Erasmus + programme of the European Union. It provides a brief explanation of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) and their advantages for farmers. The video showcases the shared vision of the PGS of the benefits of agroecological practices, safe and...
This discussion paper focuses on drawing connections between the many and varied aspects of food system change that need to be undertaken in complementary ways in order to build a just, ecological, and resilient food system. It also paints a picture of a potential food system in Canada that brings...
Policy brief/paper
Family farmers in the Paraná region of Brazil are conserving local and traditional seeds and promoting diversification of varieties. They are supported by organisations such as AS-PTA. Access and use of these seeds creates autonomy, food sovereignty and sustainable livelihoods. The government's PAA program is playing a major role in...
The magnitude and urgency of the challenges facing agriculture and food systems demand profound modifications in different aspects of human activity to achieve real transformative change and sustainability. Recognizing that the inherent complexity of achieving sustainability is commonly seen as a deterrent to decision-making, FAO has approved the 10 Elements...
Journal article