Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Co-creation and sharing of knowledge: agricultural innovations respond better to local challenges when they are co-created through participatory processes

Agroecology depends on context-specific knowledge. It does not offer fixed prescriptions – rather, agroecological practices are tailored to fit the environmental, social, economic, cultural and political context. The co-creation and sharing of knowledge plays a central role in the process of developing and implementing agroecological innovations to address challenges across food systems including adaptation to climate change.

Through the co-creation process, agroecology blends traditional and indigenous knowledge, producers’ and traders’ practical knowledge, and global scientific knowledge. Producer’s knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and management experience for specific contexts as well as their knowledge related to markets and institutions are absolutely central in this process.

Education – both formal and non-formal – plays a fundamental role in sharing agroecological innovations resulting from co-creation processes. For example, for more than 30 years, the horizontal campesino a campesino movement has played a pivotal role in sharing agroecological knowledge, connecting hundreds of thousands of producers in Latin America. In contrast, top-down models of technology transfer have had limited success.

Promoting participatory processes and institutional innovations that build mutual trust enables the co-creation and sharing of knowledge, contributing to relevant and inclusive agroecology transition processes.


Nissa Wargadipuras’s earliest memories involve learning how to live with nature. Her childhood home’s backyard in the hilly town of Garut, West Java was a little forest where her father planted vegetables, herbs and fruits. Her mother produced traditional medicine from the plants for their family and their neighbours. Nissa’s idyllic...
The leader of the Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) program Vijay Kumar explains the Social Capital side of the story, and how women’s groups were a central part of the success of APCNF, now recognized worldwide as a model of agricultural transformation. The APCNF initiative has mobilized over a million...
India - South Africa
Smallholder farmers particularly in climate vulnerable developing countries such as Myanmar face challenges related to food security and climate change. Research has increasingly pointed toward agro-ecology as a movement with the science and approach suitable to building the resilience of smallholder farmers. Since 2014, the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development...
Policy brief/paper
This online and face-to-face course in French provides practical knowledge on agronomical techniques from production to marketing. The objective of the distance-learning modules is to become familiar with the environment of Miracle Farms and to acquire basic notions of Agroecology in a diversified orchard through interaction with a trainer and participation...
In view of the forthcoming report to be presented at the 51st session of the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples will devote his next thematic report to indigenous women and the development, application, preservation and transmission of scientific knowledge. The Special Rapporteur seeks...