Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Co-creation and sharing of knowledge: agricultural innovations respond better to local challenges when they are co-created through participatory processes

Agroecology depends on context-specific knowledge. It does not offer fixed prescriptions – rather, agroecological practices are tailored to fit the environmental, social, economic, cultural and political context. The co-creation and sharing of knowledge plays a central role in the process of developing and implementing agroecological innovations to address challenges across food systems including adaptation to climate change.

Through the co-creation process, agroecology blends traditional and indigenous knowledge, producers’ and traders’ practical knowledge, and global scientific knowledge. Producer’s knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and management experience for specific contexts as well as their knowledge related to markets and institutions are absolutely central in this process.

Education – both formal and non-formal – plays a fundamental role in sharing agroecological innovations resulting from co-creation processes. For example, for more than 30 years, the horizontal campesino a campesino movement has played a pivotal role in sharing agroecological knowledge, connecting hundreds of thousands of producers in Latin America. In contrast, top-down models of technology transfer have had limited success.

Promoting participatory processes and institutional innovations that build mutual trust enables the co-creation and sharing of knowledge, contributing to relevant and inclusive agroecology transition processes.


On International Earth Day this discussion will provide an opportunity to disseminate the work of scholarship holders of the Research and Training Programme on Andean Agroecological Systems of Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and McKnight Foundation. This is the result of the work that over the course of four years...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Peru
What is the role of policymakers in empowering the long-term, resilient transformation of the food and agricultural systems? The digital event “Scaling up Agroecology in the Himalayas Together” aims to inspire and guide key decision-makers on policies supporting agroecology and organic agriculture. High-level experts will provide in-depth analyses of approaches and tools to help...
Bhutan - India - Nepal
On Friday, 30 April 2021, at 09:00 AM (Guatemala), 10:00 AM (Panama), 11:00 AM (Chile) and 12:00 PM (Argentina) the webinar "Innovator Handbook" will be held where the ''Handbook for Innovators: facilitating sustainable food systems'' will be launched in Spanish. The document aims to help stakeholders in the revaluation of agriculture...
Over the last few years, much has been said about the role of women in the rural environment as one of the pillars that support day-to-day life in Spain. Although the presence of women in the livestock sector is a determining factor in the activity, their reality and experiences have...
Agroecology is increasingly promoted as a means to transform food systems globally, yet the evidence for generating large-scale impacts on climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries has been unclear. This session summarizes the quality and strength of evidence regarding (i) the impact of agroecological approaches on climate change mitigation and adaptation in low-and-middle-income countries, and (ii) the programming approaches...