Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Co-creation and sharing of knowledge: agricultural innovations respond better to local challenges when they are co-created through participatory processes

Agroecology depends on context-specific knowledge. It does not offer fixed prescriptions – rather, agroecological practices are tailored to fit the environmental, social, economic, cultural and political context. The co-creation and sharing of knowledge plays a central role in the process of developing and implementing agroecological innovations to address challenges across food systems including adaptation to climate change.

Through the co-creation process, agroecology blends traditional and indigenous knowledge, producers’ and traders’ practical knowledge, and global scientific knowledge. Producer’s knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and management experience for specific contexts as well as their knowledge related to markets and institutions are absolutely central in this process.

Education – both formal and non-formal – plays a fundamental role in sharing agroecological innovations resulting from co-creation processes. For example, for more than 30 years, the horizontal campesino a campesino movement has played a pivotal role in sharing agroecological knowledge, connecting hundreds of thousands of producers in Latin America. In contrast, top-down models of technology transfer have had limited success.

Promoting participatory processes and institutional innovations that build mutual trust enables the co-creation and sharing of knowledge, contributing to relevant and inclusive agroecology transition processes.


As sementes is a short documentary about how agroecology impacts the lives of four communities in Brazil through the eyes and the experiences of four women leading, living and working on those communities. The documentary, with subtitles in English, French, Italian and Spanish, shows how diversification, participation and the role of...
Agroecology enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the...
Burkina Faso
As part of the Agroecological series, this guide introduces the community-based landscape work of the Seed Knowledge Initiative (SKI), a partnership of Southern African organizations committed to securing food sovereignty and promoting climate resiliency in the region. The illustrated resource offers guidance on working with communities - particularly with smallholder...
Burkina Faso - Kenya - Malawi - Zambia - Zimbabwe
Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Groups (ARLG) does transdisciplinary and participatory action research (PAR) in agroecology in the United States and Latin America. Research and teaching efforts focus on developing and applying transdisciplinary approaches that analyze interactions between agriculture, livelihoods, and environmental conservation in tropical and temperate rural landscapes. Most of this...
The Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation promotes initiatives focused on sustainable food and citizen art, aiming to explore new ways of transition and structuring social action towards a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world. This open call seeks to improve economic sustainability and facilitate the scaling up of small-scale, agroecological, and...