Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Culture and food traditions: by supporting healthy, diversified and culturally appropriate diets, agroecology contributes to food security and nutrition while maintaining the health of ecosystems

Agriculture and food are core components of human heritage. Hence, culture and food traditions play a central role in society and in shaping human behaviour. However, in many instances, our current food systems have created a disconnection between food habits and culture. This disconnection has contributed to a situation where hunger and obesity exist side by side, in a world that produces enough food to feed its entire population.

Almost 800 million people worldwide are chronically hungry and 2 billion suffer micronutrient deficiencies. Meanwhile, there has been a rampant rise in obesity and diet-related diseases; 1.9 billion people are overweight or obese and non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes) are the number one cause of global mortality. To address the imbalances in our food systems and move towards a zero hunger world, increasing production alone is not sufficient.

Agroecology plays an important role in re-balancing tradition and modern food habits, bringing them together in a harmonious way that promotes healthy food production and consumption, supporting the right to adequate food. In this way, agroecology seeks to cultivate a healthy relationship between people and food.

Cultural identity and sense of place are often closely tied to landscapes and food systems. As people and ecosystems have evolved together, cultural practices and indigenous and traditional knowledge offer a wealth of experience that can inspire agroecological solutions. For example, India is home to an estimated 50,000 indigenous varieties of rice – bred over centuries for their specific taste, nutrition and pest-resistance properties, and their adaptability to a range of conditions. Culinary traditions are built around these different varieties, making use of their different properties. Taking this accumulated body of traditional knowledge as a guide, agroecology can help realise the potential of territories to sustain their peoples.


The use of education, learning, and training as a strategy to build movements and fightoppression has a long history, especially in agrarian social movements. Sometimes referred toas ‘popular education’, such approaches contrast with top-down approaches in that they seekto empower learners rather than simply fill them with information. ‘Popular education’...
The importance of Agroecology to advance the sustainability of cotton production systems in agricultural schools in Paraguay and in communities of indigenous peoples of Bolivia. Associated with the concept that sustainable production systems is  the key to reducing the impact on natural resources and thus achieving the SDGs, since 2014 the regional...
Definire il suo significato e la sua messa in pratica
El objetivo de esta tesis fue para evaluar el manejo de los recursos naturales de Chinampas e Invernaderos con indicadores de sostenibilidad articulados a través del marco MESMIS. Un primer diagnóstico espacial mostró la dinámica del uso de la tierra en la zona lacustre de Xochimilco en el período 1989...
Working paper
The "Research and Training Programme on Andean Agroecological Systems", in partnership with the McKnight Foundation and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO, for its acronym in Spanish), aims to promote knowledge, training, and participatory research on family farming practices; while considering to integrate agroecological principles into agricultural and...