Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Efficiency : innovative agroecological practices produce more using less external resources

Increased resource-use efficiency is an emergent property of agroecological systems that carefully plan and manage diversity to create synergies between different system components. For example, a key efficiency challenge is that less than 50 percent of nitrogen fertilizer added globally to cropland is converted into harvested products and the rest is lost to the environment causing major environmental problems.

Agroecological systems improve the use of natural resources, especially those that are abundant and free, such as solar radiation, atmospheric carbon and nitrogen. By enhancing biological processes and recycling biomass, nutrients and water, producers are able to use fewer external resources, reducing costs and the negative environmental impacts of their use. Ultimately, reducing dependency on external resources empowers producers by increasing their autonomy and resilience to natural or economic shocks.

One way to measure the efficiency of integrated systems is by using Land Equivalent Ratios (LER). LER compares the yields from growing two or more components (e.g. crops, trees, animals) together with yields from growing the same components in monocultures. Integrated agroecological systems frequently demonstrate higher LERs.

Agroecology thus promotes agricultural systems with the necessary biological, socio-economic and institutional diversity and alignment in time and space to support greater efficiency.


Agroecology Newsletter of October 2019
Sustainable Intensification is especially important in Africa where the need is greatest. We present eleven targets for action, paying specific attention to the needs of poor smallholder farmers in Africa. We describe multi-cropping systems integrating new crops developed from culturally-important traditional food species that intensify and enhance the productivity of...
Journal article
Abstract. The production of sufficient food for an increasing global population while conserving natural capital is a major challenge to humanity. Tree-mediated ecosystem services are recognized as key features of more sustainable agroecosystems but the strategic management of tree attributes for ecosystem service provision is poorly understood. Six agroforestry and tree...
Journal article
Farmers in Madagascar adopt agro-ecological practices A film by the Research and Development Institute and the French Global Environment Facility. In Madagascar, new farming practices are being introduced to combat climate change and maintain food security in rural areas. The French Global Environment Facility is funding a development project implemented by...
Farming in Europe has been transformed over the last 70 years by policies, technologies, and practices that sought to guarantee a stable supply of affordable food. But success has come at the cost of mounting environmental degradation. Under Horizon 2020, the European Union (EU) funded several research projects dedicated to advancing...