Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Human and social values: protecting and improving rural livelihoods, equity and social well-being is essential for sustainable food and agricultural systems

Agroecology places a strong emphasis on human and social values, such as dignity, equity, inclusion and justice all contributing to the improved livelihoods dimension of the SDGs. It puts the aspirations and needs of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems. By building autonomy and adaptive capacities to manage their agro-ecosystems, agroecological approaches empower people and communities to overcome poverty, hunger and malnutrition, while promoting human rights, such as the right to food, and stewardship of the environment so that future generations can also live in prosperity.

Agroecology seeks to address gender inequalities by creating opportunities for women. Globally, women make up almost half of the agricultural workforce. They also play a vital role in household food security, dietary diversity and health, as well as in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. In spite of this, women remain economically marginalised and vulnerable to violations of their rights, while their contributions often remain unrecognized. Agroecology can help rural women in family farming agriculture to develop higher levels of autonomy by building knowledge, through collective action and creating opportunities for commercialization. Agroecology can open spaces for women to become more autonomous and empower them at household, community levels and beyond – for instance, through participation in producer groups. Women’s participation is essential for agroecology and women are frequently the leaders of agroecology projects.

In many places around the world, rural youth face a crisis of employment. Agroecology provides a promising solution as a source of decent jobs. Agroecology is based on a different way of agricultural production that is knowledge intensive, environmentally friendly, socially responsible, innovative, and which depends on skilled labour. Meanwhile, rural youth around the world possess energy, creativity and a desire to positively change their world. What they need is support and opportunities.

As a bottom-up, grassroots paradigm for sustainable rural development, agroecology empowers people to become their own agents of change.


Agroecological practices have been widely promoted as an alternative to the hegemonic agri-food system, yet they also can help to ‘green’ the system. To strengthen a transformative agroecology, Latin American activists have promoted the concept desenvolvimento territorial rural (DTR or rural territorial development), which has different versions. The dominant version...
Journal article
Esta revista es una edición especial de la revista LEISA. Aquí, presentamos el primer resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto para sistematizar experiencias agroecológicas, llevado a cabo por diversas organizaciones en América Latina. Los trabajos se llevaron a cabo en diferentes áreas de Bolivia, Perú, Brasil y México; cada uno de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Mexico - Peru
Journal article
CARI is launching a dynamic Desertif’actions 2022 initiative with activities to build and carry out advocacy throughout the year. Desertif’actions 2022 aims to put agroecology at the top of the agenda in the fight against desertification and land degradation, by sharing and pooling the results of actions carried out by...
Natural Farming methods have significantly reduced the expenses incurred in the purchase of chemicals, insecticides, and fungicides and improved the incomes of farmers in the Himalayan state in India. Himachal Pradesh which is popularly known as the fruit basket of India produces fruits and vegetables worth Rs 8,000 crores every year....
Nixtamalization was invented by Mesoamerican indigenous peoples. This technique is responsible for increasing the nutritional value of corn by transforming it into a dough. The products made from this dough become excellent sources of calcium, a mineral that the body needs to form and maintain strong bones. This video shows the...