Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Responsible governance: sustainable food and agriculture requires responsible and effective governance mechanisms at different scales – from local to national to global

Agroecology calls for responsible and effective governance to support the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems. Transparent, accountable and inclusive governance mechanisms are necessary to create an enabling environment that supports producers to transform their systems following agroecological concepts and practices. Successful examples include school feeding and public procurement programmes, market regulations allowing for branding of differentiated agroecological produce, and subsidies and incentives for ecosystem services.

Land and natural resources governance is a prime example. The majority of the world’s rural poor and vulnerable populations heavily rely on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services for their livelihoods, yet lack secure access to these resources. Agroecology depends on equitable access to land and natural resources – a key to social justice, but also in providing incentives for the long-term investments that are necessary to protect soil, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Agroecology is best supported by responsible governance mechanisms at different scales. Many countries have already developed national level legislation, policies and programmes that reward agricultural management that enhances biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. Territorial, landscape and community level governance, such as traditional and customary governance models, is also extremely important to foster cooperation between stakeholders, maximising synergies while reducing or managing trade-offs.


The paper discusses the integration of social sciences views into agroecology as the basis for an interdisciplinary research approach on natural resource management and rural development in the Latin-American tropics. As a disciplines that integrates ecological concepts for managing anthropogenic ecosystems, agroecology is a sound ground to promote innovative processes in...
Costa Rica
Journal article
This course focuses on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices, and their place within the global development agenda, specifically in order to achieve target 15.3 of the Sustainable Develo-pment Goals (SDGs), which aims "to achieve a land degradation-neutral world". The course assists policy makers, practitioners and land users in the selection,...
IFOAM- Organics International organizes the first residential session of the Organic Leadership Course will be held from 22 June to 29 June 2019 in Trakai, Lithuania. This beautiful region, filled with cultural sites and local charm, will give everyone the opportunity to visit organic farms and experience the emerging organic...
One of our food system's main challenges is the inadequate relationship between the cost of production and production factors as a whole. Therefore, food production and distribution systems are often at a disadvantage to local producers. New research reveals the benefits for farmers and growers, local suppliers, citizens, and the environment...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The focus of the forum will be on discussing and supporting integrative policies that emphasize long-term productivity, greater resource-use efficiency, enhanced ecological functions, improved resilience, restoration of soils, promotion of biodiversity, improvement of rural livelihoods, and increasing equity and social well-being. Participate in this policy forum through peer-to-peer exchanges, consisting of...