
Transforming Agriculture Insights from the 12th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics



The 12th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics took place at Biosense Insitute in Novi Sad, Serbia, from July 15th to 18th, 2024. This annual conference gathered experts, researchers, and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest advancements and applications in agro-geoinformatics. The event featured multiple sessions covering a wide range of topics crucial to the digital transformation of agrifood systems, including sessions lead by FAO focusing on “Agro-Informatics at Scale - Informatics for Agrifood Systems Digital Transformation". The sessions featured key presentations showcasing inventive agro-informatics approaches and practical solutions for a modern and sustainable agriculture that will leave no one behind. 

Agro-informatics provide key digital building blocks for providing information, knowledge and new capabilities needed towards addressing global challenges in agrifood systems”, stated Dejan during his opening remarks.  

Agro-informatics at Scale 

The FAO lead sessions covered several significant topics related to the multiple use of agro-informatics and geospatial technologies applied to agri-food systems. One study focused on characterizing the extension and duration of plastic-mulched farmland using Sentinel-2 data, utilizing satellite imagery to monitor these fields and provide valuable insights into their spatial and temporal distribution. Karl Morteo, Information Technology Officer, FAO, noted, "This information is essential for understanding the environmental impact of plastic mulch and optimizing its use in agricultural practices." 

Another important digital solution introduced was the MerWat-Libya platform, a geospatial tool designed to support sustainable agriculture in Libya. This platform aids in the monitoring, evaluation, and rationalization of water and land use, facilitating knowledge transfer and informed decision-making. By providing detailed geospatial data, MerWat-Libya helps stakeholders manage resources more effectively and promote sustainable agricultural practices in the region. 

Speakers also highlighted the use of FAO's WaPOR (Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data) open-access data to improve irrigation advisory services in the field. Various application examples from different countries demonstrated how WaPOR data can support efficient water use in agriculture. By providing accurate and timely information, WaPOR enhances irrigation management and contributes to better water conservation practices. 

Additionally, FAO delivered a presentation focusing on geospatial analysis for decision support, emphasizing its crucial role in assessing the suitability of value chain infrastructure interventions. This approach enhances strategic planning and implementation, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to support the entire agricultural value chain. Such geospatial tools are vital for optimizing investments and improving overall agricultural productivity and sustainability.  

Global Initiatives and Technology  

The following day, a key presentation introduced FAO Global Soil Information System (GloSIS), a global initiative to federate soil information and promote sustainable agricultural practices. The session also explored more in detail how to integrate and scale up agro-informatics technologies to enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in modern agrifood systems. Another noteworthy presentation showcased innovations in real-time disease risk monitoring and forecasting, highlighting tools and models that provide early warnings to protect crops and ensure food security.  

The conference concluded with a dynamic panel session discussing the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Digital Twin technology, and their potential impact on agriculture. The panelists explored how the agro-informatics community can leverage these cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize agricultural practices. "The potential of AI and ML to analyze vast datasets can significantly enhance decision-making in agriculture." said Zhongxin Chen, Senior Information Technology Officer, FAO. Panelists also addressed the challenges of adoption, including the need for new solutions and a global policy environment that ensures equitable access and benefits. 

The 12th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics provided a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration among experts, fostering innovations that will drive the future of sustainable agriculture. The event underscored the importance of geospatial technologies and digital transformation in addressing the complex challenges facing modern agriculture, paving the way for more efficient, productive, and sustainable agrifood systems, where FAO is ready to take bold action. The 13th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics will be held during 7-10 July, 2025, in Boulder, Colorado, USA. 

Read more about FAO’s Agro-informatics work here  

Explore FAO Agro-informatics Platform here