Project's full title |
Introduction |
EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i) is a web-based application that has been designed by FAO’s Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) to support veterinary services by facilitating the organization and access to national, regional and global level disease data and information. |
Start date |
31/12/2003 |
Status |
Ongoing |
Objective / Goal |
With EMPRES-i, you will be able to develop strategies for prevention of animal diseases, as well those for progressive control and improved management of veterinary services.
Partners |
EMPRES-i also integrates data from other databases, i.e. livestock density or environmental layers from FAO databases, e.g, the Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas, GLiPHA (user-friendly, highly interactive electronic atlas using the Key Indicator Data System (KIDS) and from other systems.
Activities |
EMPRES-i team receives information about disease events worldwide from different sources: country or regional project reports, field mission reports, partner Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), cooperating institutions, government Ministries of Agriculture and Health, FAO in-country representations or other United Nations parties, public domains, the media and web-based health surveillance systems.
Impact |
EMPRES-i provides up to date information on the global animal disease distribution and current threats at national, regional and global level. 'Disease Events' can be presented on a map and further analyzed by choosing from a variety of optional layers.
Contact |
[email protected]