AGROVOC Community of Editors: France

 AGROVOC Community of Editors: France

The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) works for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions with particular emphasis on agronomy, forest and wood research, the environment, genetics, animal health, zootechnics, and phytopathology. CIRAD, which has collaborated with FAO since 1986, uses AGROVOC in its AGRITROP database and annotates all research publications with AGROVOC terms and AGRIS codes.

Work on AGROVOC is carried in CIRAD by a working group of four people devoted to indexing and classification using AGROVOC, the AGRIS/CARIS Categorization Scheme and other controlled vocabularies. The team contributes French translations of AGROVOC concept labels in collaboration with French-speaking partners in the Global South and is particularly interested in enriching AGROVOC with terminology in areas of strategic interest to CIRAD such as forest and wood research. CIRAD is planning to test the use of AGROVOC within a text-mining application. 


AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc. It is published by FAO and edited by a community of experts. It is widely used in specialized libraries as well as digital libraries and repositories to index content and for the purpose of text mining. It is also used as a specialized tagging resource for content organization by FAO and third-party stakeholders. AGROVOC is published monthly with the aim to improve the quality of the services for the agricultural community, AGROVOC is now engaging with expert communities that are contributing and benefiting of the AGROVOC services.

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