Asociación sobre el agua agrícola para África

Generating and sharing knowledge

All successful businesses need to be continuously innovating, and the level of investment in applied AWM research in Africa is not sufficient to support a scaled-up AWM industry.

In addition to this, limited information and knowledge-sharing at regional and national levels among national AWM professionals restricts knowledge, adoption, and scaling-up of successful innovations and best practice. AgWA would bring together AWM decision-makers and local professionals and facilitate exchange of experiences and learning with a view to improving sector performance.

Main activities within this component are:

  • Strengthen national and regional AWM associations and networks.
  • Disseminate research results and best practice.
  • Establish knowledge hubs.
  • Develop exchange programmes and tools (websites, workshops, training programs, flow of students as part of international exchange programs, portfolio of best practices, etc.)
  • Develop AWM economic impact assessment and other thematic studies.
  • Enhance the quality of services and equipment delivered through development of performance standards and quality certification.
  • Application of the Diagnostic Tools for Investment.
  • Support research and innovations to improve AWM. Partner’s tools for improving water productivity at farm level, AquaCrop, and to improve irrigation efficiency, MASSCOTE, are a good starting point for this line of activities.
  • Preparation of case studies on AWM issues.
  •  Prepare lessons learned reports from activities implemented by AgWA.