Partnership for agricultural water for Africa

Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity on African and Global Level

Budget: US$ 3 995 253
01/12/2014 - 30/11/2017
Project Status: On-going
Country: Burkina Faso, Morocco, Uganda

The project has the following outputs:

  • Enhanced capacity for improved crop water productivity in small scale agriculture in Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda;
  • Enhanced capacity for increased water use efficiency in small scale irrigation in Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda;
  • Enhanced capacity of water harvesting for agriculture in Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda;
  • National water audits are prepared in Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda taking into account different agro-ecological zones;
  • Defined bankable investment projects in AWM for Burkina Faso, to foster the investment flow into priority lines of intervention defined in its National Agriculture Investment Plan;
  • An investment profile for the identification of AWM priorities at national level is produced and national capacity is built in Morocco to tackle in particular knowledge, institutional, governance, regulatory and financial barriers to sustainable AWM;
  • Defined bankable investment projects in AWM for Uganda to foster the investment flow into priority lines of action defined in its refined National Agriculture Investment Plan;
  • Outreach materials, including technical reports and guides, on measures to increase crop water productivity and efficiency of water use, and on mainstreaming AWM in national frameworks and processes (including CAADP-Pillar 1 process) are prepared and widely disseminated to different stakeholders.