Partenariat pour l’eau à usage agricole en Afrique

Support to the pre- and post-CAADP compact process for improved agricultural water management

Budget: US$ 500 000
01/10/2013 - 31/12/2015
Project Status: Closed
Country: Egypt, Eswatini, Malawi, Sudan

Identification of AWM priorities at national level and building national capacity in the Sudan in the context of the CAADP-Compact process to tackle in particular knowledge, institutional, governance, regulatory and financial barriers to sustainable agricultural water management
Identification of AWM priorities at national level and building of national capacity in Egypt in the context of the CAADP-Compact process to tackle in particular knowledge, institutional, governance, regulatory and financial barriers to sustainable agricultural water management.
To refine a broad National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP) for Swaziland to specifically re-emphasize Agricultural Water Management, detailing out specific programmes that will achieve sector goals, objectives and targets as stipulated in the CAADP Compacts.
To define investment projects in agricultural water for Malawi and prepare bankable project documents to foster the investment flow into high-priority areas, based on the National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP), so called Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (2011-2015).
To establish partnerships in Egypt, Malawi, the Sudan and Swaziland around common AWM priorities at national level, including in cooperation with Pillar institutions.
To increase regional integration, coordination and partnership between AgWA and COMESA.