FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional Event: World Soils Day Commemoration

Hybrid Event, 02/12/2021 - 03/12/2021

Day 2


Day 1


In June 2021, two thousand experts had an interesting debate about soil potential in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This event, jointly organized by the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Soil Partnership of Latin America, was a relevant space to present the main tools developed by the Partnership in support of the countries for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

The experts emphasized:

  • The importance of collaboration with national governments for the implementation of tools developed by the Alliance.
  • The possibility of concrete actions to promote sustainable soil management in different countries of the region, which entails the development of appropriate tools and collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the sustainable management of soil resources.
  • The need for a comprehensive and structured tool such as RECSOIL requires an enabling environment, the implementation of a series of public policies by the government, the active participation of academia and the empowerment of farmers along with the entire production chain.
  • The Sustainable Soil Management Protocol to strengthen soil ecosystem services and the use of soil indicator data and information for informed decision making.
  • The Soil Doctors Program is an essential tool to disseminate sustainable soil management practices through farmer-to-farmer empowerment and training.


  • Raise awareness of the importance of sustainable soil management.
  • Promote the use and management of existing data for sustainable soil management decision making.
  • Promote tools and good practices to face the challenges of salinization and increase carbon sequestration potential.
  • Gather inputs to strengthen the cooperation agenda on sustainable land/soil management issues in agricultural landscapes in the region.
  • Identify audience interest in forming a community of practice for sustainable soil management.


Martina Salvo

Communications Consultant, Regional Initiative for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture
FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean