FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Seminar "Agrifood systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: new scenarios and opportunities post COVID-19"

Hybrid Event, 04/11/2020 - 06/11/2020

World Food Day and FAO 75th Anniversary in Latin America and the Caribbean

On November 4, 5, and 6, FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean will celebrate World Food Day and FAO's 75th anniversary.

Under the WFD theme, "Grow, nourish, sistain. Together", the virtual seminar "Agrifood systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: new scenarios and opportunities post COVID-19" will be held. Our strategic partners will be the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Bank (WB).

Nine countries of the region will hold parallel events, addressing local issues. In addition, a gender issues event will de hold, and the award ceremony for the World Food Day 2020 journalism contest.

Seminar "Agrifood systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: new scenarios and opportunities post COVID-19"

Given the complexity of managing the pandemic and its significant adverse effects on the region's economies, FAO has decided to convene a meeting of relevant stakeholders who impact agri-food systems' operation after a thorough process of gathering information from the countries.

The objective is to provide an institutional response by facilitating and promoting dialogue, making available the technical capabilities, experiences, good practices, and synergies that will make it possible to tackle the post-pandemic process more effectively.

We aim to review and propose new and better public policies focused on recovery.

We will also identify sectoral policy measures to generate a space for inter-institutional dialogue and contribute in a coordinated manner to create actions in favor of recovery and transformation of agri-food systems within a new public policy framework.

At the end of the seminar, we will systematize the experiences and present a document that synthesizes a critical path and a follow-up plan of the agreements to project a permanent dialogue.

  • Date: November 4th to 6th, 2020
  • The event will be held online through the ZOOM platform for the exhibitors and transmission via Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter for the general public.
  • There will be simultaneous translation into English/Spanish and online surveys for feedback from attendees.
  • The event considers a structure of simultaneous multi-rooms, with predefined thematic modules segmented according to the target audience, with an approximate duration of 2 hours each. Check the program here.

Live Streaming - november 4th - 1st. Day

Gender: Agrifood System and gender: Recovery with transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Map of events and press on World Food Day and the 75th Anniversary of FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean

Live Streaming - november 5th - Day 2

Live Streaming - november 6th - Day 3

Closing Plenary: Projecting a new post-COVID-19 policy agenda.Conclusions of the dialogue.



Food Heroes

En medio de la pandemia millones de trabajadoras y trabajadores rurales no paran de trabajar para proveer alimentos saludables y que lleguen a nuestras mesas. 


Productoras y productores familiares de Uruguay trabajan para continuar produciendo a pesar de las limitaciones que impone la crisis por COVID-19.


La agricultura familiar en El Salvador ha adaptado sus medios de vida, viendo una oportunidad en la producción y comercialización de hortalizas.


En Bolivia, el trabajo de hombres y mujeres rurales es un valioso aporte para que los alimentos frescos y nutritivos no falten en la mesa, aún en tiempos de COVID-19.


Los agricultores familiares de Panamá no paran. No permiten que la pandemia del COVID-19 aplace sus planes de revitalizar su emergente producción de café.



María Elena Álvarez I.
Santiago, Chile
phone: (+56 9) 78625443
e-mail: [email protected]