علم الوراثة الحيوانية

Pastoralist Knowledge Hub

An important contribution to animal genetic resources is provided by pastoralism, a specific livelihood based on traditional ways of organizing grazing, mainly characterized by movements of animals (often across national boundaries), common use of natural resources and exploitation of species and breeds adapted to harsh climatic conditions. Pastoralists base their livelihoods on the breeding of large herbivores (e.g. cattle, camelids, deer, yaks, horses) and small herbivores (e.g. sheep and goats). The diversity of pastoral breeds reflects the different landscapes and ecosystems in which pastoralism is practised. If well managed, they help to create a healthy environment for local wild flora and fauna. Thanks to these breeds, pastoralists are resilient and can adapt to variable climatic conditions. For instance, pastoral animals are usually adapted to undertaking long-distance movements, which allows herders to respond to water shortages and adverse weather conditions.

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub brings together pastoralists and international actors to promote the integration of pastoralists’ concerns into international policy dialogue.

The Hub offers a forum for pastoralists, their networks and partnering organizations to share news, events, experiences and other relevant information on pastoralism, consult pastoralist networks and organizations working on pastoralism, discuss pastoral concerns, and organize participation in policy dialogue. Registration is free. Messages can be sent in any language, preferably in English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian. Unfortunately, the forum does not provide translations.

To subscribe, visit the forum.