Генетика животных

Reporting processes

Third Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources

In 2009, the Commission on Genetic Resources on Food and Agriculture (Commission) agreed on a timetable for reporting on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources (adopted in 2007). The timetable foresaw the periodic preparation of country progress reports, reports from international organizations and reports from regional focal points and networks for animal genetic resources. The first round of reporting took place in 2011, a second round in 2013, and a third round in 2019. 

The second round of reporting was used for the preparation of the Second Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In 2023, the Commission requested FAO to launch a fourth round of reporting, the results of which will be the basis for the Third Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

Invitations were sent to countries in October 2023, and to relevant international organizations and regional focal points in March 2024. Copies of the respective invitations, instructions and questionnaires can be viewed and downloaded from the tables below.

Country progress reporting








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Introduction to the questionnaire

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Progress reporting by international organizations




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Introduction to the questionnaire

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Third round of reporting

Third round of reporting

Third round of reporting on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

In 2009, the Commission on Genetic Resources on Food and Agriculture agreed on a timetable for reporting on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources (adopted in 2007). The timetable foresaw the periodic preparation of country progress reports, reports from international organizations and reports from regional focal points and networks for animal genetic resources. The first round of reporting took place in 2011 and a second round of reporting was undertaken in 2013.

A third round of reporting was undertaken in 2019. 

The findings of the reporting process, including a set of progress indicators, are presented in the Synthesis progress report on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources – 2020

Second round of reporting

Second round of reporting

The Second Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Country reports

In August 2013, FAO invited its 191 member nations, as well as non-member nations, to submit country reports on the management of their AnGR, using a standardized electronic questionnaire that had been endorsed by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and finalized by the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Government-appointed National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources led the preparation of the reports in their respective countries.

  • 129 country reports were submitted, 128 of which were based on the standard questionnaire and could therefore be used for quantitative analysis and the calculation of indicators.

Survey on legal and policy frameworks

In September 2013, National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources were requested to complete an electronic questionnaire on the legal and policy frameworks in their respective countries.

Reports from regional focal points and networks

In February 2014, regional focal points and networks for the management of AnGR were invited to provide reports, based on a standardized electronic questionnaire, on activities related to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action in their respective regions. In accordance with the reporting framework agreed by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the regional focal points and networks were requested to highlight collaborative efforts at regional level and indicate regional priorities for capacity-building in relation to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action, rather than to provide a summary of national-level activities in the region.

In February 2014, 209 international organizations were invited to report, based on a standardized electronic questionnaire, on their contributions to the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, in particular on any activities, programmes or projects undertaken or supported by the respective organization.

First round of reporting

First round of reporting

The first report on The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

In March 2001, FAO invited 188 countries to submit country reports on the management of their animal genetic resources. Guidelines for the preparation of the country reports were produced, including a proposed structure. However, the reports were not based on a standardized questionnaire. Regional training and follow-up workshops were conducted between July 2001 and November 2004.

The overall objectives for the country reports were to analyse and report on the state of animal genetic resources, on the status and trends of these resources, and on their current and potential contribution to food, agriculture and rural development; to assess the state of countries’ capacity to manage animal genetic resources, in order to determine priorities for future capacity-building; and to identify national priorities for action in the field of conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resources, and related requirements for international cooperation. By October 2005, 169 country reports had been submitted.

In August 2004, FAO invited 77 international organizations to submit a report of their work in the field of animal genetic resources. Nine reports were submitted.

First round of reporting on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

In 2009, the Commission on Genetic Resources on Food and Agriculture agreed on a timetable for reporting on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources (adopted in 2007). The timetable foresaw the periodic preparation of country progress reports, reports from international organizations and reports from regional focal points and networks for animal genetic resources. The first round of reporting took place in 2011.

The findings of the reporting process, including a set of progress indicators, are presented in the Synthesis progress report on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources – 2012.