Local solutions, global impact: improving farm biosecurity in low- and middle-income countries through implementation research
Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity (PMP-TAB) | Webinar series | Episode 11
Virtual Event, 25/03/2024
©K. Osbjer
FAO is conducting a series of knowledge-rich webinars on a monthly basis as part of the Progressive Management Pathway for Terrestrial Animal Biosecurity Community of Practice. These webinars cover a host of topics related to the progressive improvement of terrestrial animal biosecurity, involving speakers and participants from multiple disciplines and backgrounds.
This webinar will showcase how implementation research is applied in low-and middle-income countries to improve farm biosecurity and tackle antimicrobial resistance. Examples will be provided from projects in co-development and implementation in collaboration between the International Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), ministries, research institutions and the private sector. Emphasis will be on approaches to assess farm biosecurity and co-create context-specific biosecurity interventions with lessons learned shared from Tanzania on the design and implementation of surveys to evaluate biosecurity and improvements in farm biosecurity in small- and medium-scale poultry farms.
Anders Dalsgaard, Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark/Senior Scientific Consultant, ICARS
Robinson Mdegela, Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania