Animal health

FAO emphasizes One Health approach in a new pandemic preparedness initiative


At a recent meeting organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), a groundbreaking initiative dubbed the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) was introduced, aiming to enhance global readiness for future pandemics.

The PRET framework, developed based on lessons learned from previous pandemics, focuses on strategies for responding to respiratory pathogen threats and offers a mode-of-transmission approach to guide action and coordination among countries and partners. 

During the three-day meeting, representatives from WHO member countries, FAO and various stakeholders engaged in discussions and shared their experiences related to the most recent pandemic and building resilience against respiratory pathogens. Their valuable contributions were intended to improve the framework and make it practical and effective. 

The discussions primarily revolved around two key aspects: enhancing multisectoral collaboration and establishing networks. Participants emphasized the significance of bridging gaps in pandemic scenario foresight exercises for respiratory pathogens and proposed potential solutions. 

The meeting also highlighted the importance of factors such as the Pandemic accord, collaborative surveillance, community protection, clinical care, emergency coordination and access to countermeasures. 

It also underscored the necessity of adopting a One Health approach to prepare for respiratory disease threats, which FAO delivers through collaboration with quadripartite partners. FAO's involvement in areas such as surveillance of domestic animals and wildlife, risk assessment, early warning systems, field epidemiology workforce development, laboratory capacity building, emergency response, and contingency planning was highlighted. The implementation of the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH-JPA) was seen as an opportunity to enhance resilience and preparedness for potential pandemics.

The conclusions drawn from the meeting will be incorporated into the framework, and a comprehensive meeting report will be published. Additionally, a global implementation roadmap is being developed, incorporating input from the participants.

To ensure the success of the PRET initiative, FAO experts stressed the need for increased involvement of experts in animal health, environment, and wildlife health. Their presence would contribute to a multisectoral approach to enhancing pandemic preparedness. 

Moving forward, FAO will continue to support its members in building sustainable surveillance capacities for effective prevention and control by strengthening information networks and utilize initiatives, toolkits, and frameworks like the One Health Joint Plan of Action to promote preparedness.FAO's commitment extends beyond human health, and it will continue to foster valuable partnerships and networks while championing its diverse sectors.

FAO's commitment extends beyond human health, and it will continue to foster valuable partnerships and networks while championing its diverse sectors.