Animal health

FAO launches online course addressing an emerging threat for small ruminants: sheep and goat pox

©FAO/Hashim Azizi


In response to the re-emergence of sheep pox and goat pox in Europe, the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) has taken a proactive step by launching a new online course on Sheep Pox and Goat Pox preparedness. This initiative, hosted on the Virtual Learning Centers platform, aims to equip veterinarians and animal health professionals with the knowledge and tools to tackle these highly contagious and economically impactful diseases.

Sheep pox and goat pox, classified as notifiable diseases by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), pose significant threats to the small ruminant industry globally due to their rapid transmission and economic repercussions. Historically, these diseases have been endemic in various regions, including northern and central Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. Recent outbreaks in Spain (2022-2023), Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan have underscored the urgency of addressing the spread of these infections.

Developed in collaboration with the poxvirus expert Eva Tuppurainen and reviewed by the Sciensano Institute in Belgium, the course focuses on providing comprehensive information on sheep pox and goat pox. The four-week tutored course offers six interactive modules covering clinical and pathological diagnosis, sampling and laboratory diagnosis, epidemiology, outbreak investigation, control and eradication, as well as surveillance and monitoring.

Launched on October 10, 2023, on the Moodle platform of FAO Virtual Learning Centers, the course attracted 288 participants from 20 European countries. Participants included official and private veterinarians, laboratory specialists, academic representatives, and farmers. The course's online format ensured accessibility for professionals with time constraints and those in remote areas.

The course incorporated various elements such as live webinars, presentations from trainers, interactive online modules with multimedia content, exercises, and self-test questions. Trainers and experts were available throughout the course via a discussion forum, fostering interactive discussions and addressing participant queries. A closing webinar featured presentations on laboratory diagnosis and tests, along with a country experience shared by experts from Spain.

Gulzhan Nurtazina, the VLC course manager, reported a completion rate of 86,5%, with plans to adapt the course for other regions and translate it into different languages. Despite the success, some participants were unable to complete the course due to time constraints related to work commitments and travels.

The FAO Virtual Learning Centers function as virtual hubs designed to enhance regional delivery of online training. These centers aim to provide inclusive, engaging, and high-quality training using various methodologies to address regional needs and priorities. The VLCs play a crucial role in bridging knowledge gaps and promoting competencies required for online training within FAO regional and subregional offices.