3 December 2024, 17:00 hours; Rome
Situation: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2): A virus that is spreading globally through human-to-human transmission but has also demonstrated ability to infect multiple animal species (from Bovidae, Canidae, Cebidae, Cercopithecidae, Cervidae, Cricetidae, Felidae, Hominidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae, Procionidae, Viverridae, Hippopotamidae, Myrmecophagidae, Atelidae, Rhinocerotidae, Suidae, Agamidae, Phasianidae, Anatidea, Castoridae, Muridae, Chlamyphoridae, Leporidae, Vespertilionidae, Sciuridae, Didelphids and Procyonidae families) with spillover potential from one animal species to another. In rare occasions, spill-back from animals to humans has been evidenced (mink-to-human in the Netherlands [reference] and in Denmark [reference]; hamster-to-human in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China) [reference]).
Reported human cases: As of 17 November 2024, there have been 776 897 200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 including 7 076 329 deaths reported to WHO. In the last seven days, 41 711 new human cases and 558 deaths were reported worldwide. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, 232 countries, states, and territories reported COVID-19 human cases across five geographic regions including Africa (57), the Americas (55), Asia (46), Europe (50), and Oceania (24) [reference]. Cumulative COVID-19 cases reported in humans globally are presented in Map 1. For detailed information on human cases, please refer to WHO COVID-19 Dashboard and WHO COVID-19 Weekly Updates.
Countries and territories with reported findings in animals (virological findings)1: France, Switzerland, Hong Kong SAR (China), Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, United States of America, Denmark, Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Chile, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Greece, Argentina, Lithuania, Mexico, Slovenia, Estonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Croatia, Thailand, Uruguay, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore, Colombia, Finland, India, Ecuador, Egypt, Viet Nam, Senegal, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Mongolia and Peru.
1 in order of first reported occurrence.
Map 1 shows SARS-CoV-2 events2 in animals up to 3 December 2024 at the national level over an estimated cumulative COVID-19 human cases distribution map. Circles indicate countries reporting positive events in animals; circle size is proportional to the number of events reported in each country (see legend). The background layer map includes cumulative number of COVID-19 human cases according to WHO, 2022.
2 Events include animal cases officially reported by national authorities and the WOAH, or positive findings referred to in scientific publications.
Map. Results of published SARS-CoV-2 events in animals up to 03 September 2024 at national level, over a cumulative COVID-19 human cases background map
Notes: Refer to the disclaimer available on this webpage for the names and boundaries in this map. Final boundary between the Sudan and South Sudan has not yet been determined. Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined.
Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.
Source: xxx.
Table 1. Animal species naturally infected (RNA detection) by SARS-CoV-2
Animal species | Scientific name | Country/Territory | Site | Year reported & number of epidemiological units affected (individual animal cases or production or marketing units such as farms or markets) |
Domestic cat | Felis catus | Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR., Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay | Household | 2020 (76) |
Domestic Dog | Canis lupus familiaris | Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Hong Kong SAR, India, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay | Household | 2020 (76) |
Domestic American Mink | Neovison vison | Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherland, Poland, Spain, Sweden | Farm | 2020 (349) |
Domestic Ferret | Mustela furo | Slovenia, United States of America | Household | 2020 (1) |
Wild American Mink | Neovison vison | Spain, United States of America | Free range | 2020 (no data) |
Western lowland Gorilla | Gorilla gorilla gorilla | United States of America, Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil | Zoo | 2021 (12) |
White-tailed deer | Odocoileus virginianus | Canada, United States of America | Natural Park | 2021 (350) |
Binturong | Arctictis binturong | United States of America | Zoo | 2021 (1) |
Coatimundi | Nasua nasua | Brazil, United States of America | Zoo | 2021 (3) |
Fishing cat | Prionailurus viverrinus | United States of America | Zoo | 2021 (1) |
Tiger | Panthera tigris | Argentina, Denmark, Indonesia | Animal sanctuary | 2020 (1) |
Lion | Panthera leo | Croatia, Colombia, Estonia, Japan, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United States of America | Zoo | 2020 (2) |
Puma | Puma concolor | Argentina, South Africa, United States of America | Wild animal exhibitor facility | 2020 (2) |
Snow Leopard | Panthera uncia | United States of America | Zoo | 2020 (3) |
Indian Leopard | Panthera pardus fusca | India | Free range | 2021 (1) |
Canada Lynx | Lynx canadensis | United States of America | Zoo | 2021 (1) |
Spotted hyenas | Crocuta crocuta | United States of America | Zoo | 2021 (2) |
Asian small-clawed otters | Aonyx cinereus | United States of America | Aquarium | 2021 (9) |
Hamster | Unspecified | Hong Kong, SAR | Pet shop | 2022 (2) |
Wild Eurasian River Otter | Lutra lutra | Spain | Free range | 2021 (1) |
Hippopotamus | Hippopotamus amphibius | Belgium, Viet Nam | Zoo | 2021 (1) |
Black-Tailed Marmoset | Mico melanurus | Brazil | Free range | 2022 (1) |
Mule deer | Odocoileus hemionus | United States of America | Natural Park | 2022 (1) |
Antillean manatees | Trichechus manatus manatus | Brazil | Captive | 2020 (2) |
Giant anteater | Myrmecophaga tridactyla | Brazil | Free range | 2022 (1) |
Mandrill | Mandrillus sphinx | United States of America | Zoo | 2022 (1) |
Monkey Squirrel | Saimiri sciureus | United States of America | Zoo | 2022 (1) |
Red fox | Vulpes vulpes | Switzerland | Zoo | 2022 (1) |
Cattle | Unspecified | India, Nigeria, Republic of Korea | Animal-rearing pockets | 2021/2022 (32) |
Buffalo | Unspecified | India | Animal-rearing pockets | 2021/2022 (13) |
Goat | Unspecified | Nigeria | Unspecified | 2021/2022 (46) |
Black-and brown headed Spider Monkey | Ateles fusciceps | Ecuador | Captive | 2022 (20) |
Common woolly monkey | Lagothrix lagothricha | Ecuador | Captive | 2022 (1) |
White rhinoceros | Ceratotherium simum | Senegal | Natural reserve | 2023 (1) |
Ducka | Unspecified | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (2) |
Chickena | Unspecified | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (10) |
Turkeya | Unspecified | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (1) |
Sheep | Unspecified | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (50) |
Pig | Unspecified | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (4) |
Lizard | Agama agama | Nigeria | Households and backyard farms | 2021/2022 (19) |
Eurasian beaver | Castor fiber | Mongolia | Farm | 2021 (1) |
White-fronted capuchin | Cebus unicolor | Peru | Captive | 2022/2023 (9)b |
House mouse | Mus musculus | Mexico | Urban | 2020 (4) |
Brown rat | Rattus norvegicus | Mexico | Urban | 2020 (3) |
Big hairy armadillo | Chaetophractus villosus | Argentina | Captive | 2022 (3) |
Pantanal cat | Leopardus braccatus | Brazil | Captive | 2021 (1) |
Gray brocket | Subulo gouazoubira | Brazil | Captive | 2022 (1) |
Red deer | Cervus elaphus | Brazil | Captive | 2022 (1) |
Manned wolf | Chrysocyon brachyurus | Brazil | Captive | 2022 (2) |
European fallow deer | Dama dama | Brazil | Captive | 2022 (1) |
Eastern deer mouse | Peromyscus maniculatus | United States of America | Natural habitat study | 2023 (8) |
Raccoon | Procyon lotor | United States of America | Wildlife center and natural habitat | 2023 (4) |
Eastern cottontail | Sylvilagus floridanus | United States of America | Wildlife center | 2023 (3) |
Eastern red bat | Lasiurus borealis | United States of America | Natural habitat | 2023 (1) |
Groundhog | Marmota monax | United States of America | Wildlife center | 2023 (3) |
Virginia opossum | Didelphis virginiana | United States of America | Wildlife center and natural habitat | 2022 (1) |
Source: WOAH WAHIS, country reports and peer-reviewed journals3. Please see the respective articles under section “recent publications”.
3 Information from preprints is not included in this table.
a These are the first reports of viral RNA being detected in avian species though published experimental challenge studies have not indicated host susceptibility.
b Pool of nine samples.
Table 2. Animal species susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 based on experimental infection studies
Animal species | Scientific name (wild animals) | Susceptibility | Transmission to co-housed animals of same species |
Raccoon dogs (reference) |
Nyctereutes procyonoides |
Yes |
Yes |
Red Fox (reference) |
Vulpes vulpes |
Yes |
Not specified |
Coyotes |
Canis latrans |
No |
- |
Deer mice (reference) |
Peromyscus maniculatus |
Yes |
Yes |
Bank voles (reference) |
Myodes glareolus |
Yes |
No |
Bushy-tailed woodrats (reference) |
Neotoma cinerea |
Yes |
Not specified |
Laboratory BALB/c mice (reference) |
Yes |
Yes |
White-tailed deer (reference) |
Odocoileus virginianus |
Yes |
Yes |
Ferret (reference) |
Mustela furo |
Yes |
Yes |
Egyptian fruit bat |
Rousettus aegyptiacus |
Yes |
Yes |
Striped skunks (reference) |
Mephitis mephitis |
Yes |
Not specified |
Zebra fish (reference) |
Danio rerio |
Yes |
Not specified |
Zebra mussel (reference1) (reference2) |
Dreissena polymorpha |
Yes |
Not specified |
Syrian hamsters |
Mesocricetus auratus |
Yes |
Yes |
Tree shrews (reference1) (reference2) |
Tupaia belangeri chinensis |
Yes |
Not specified |
Rhesus macaques (reference) |
Macaca mulatta |
Yes |
Not specified |
The crab-eating macaque (reference) |
Macaca fascicularis |
Yes |
Not specified |
Baboons (reference) |
Papio hamadryas |
Yes |
Not specified |
Common marmosets (reference) |
Callithrix jacchus |
Yes |
Not specified |
Cynomolgus macaques (reference) |
Macaca fascicularis |
Yes |
Not specified |
African green monkeys (reference) |
Chlorocebus aethiops |
Not susceptible |
Not specified |
Mosquitoes (reference1) (reference2) |
Aedes aegypti, Aedes. albopictus, Culex tarsalis and Culex quinquefasciatus |
Not susceptible |
- |
Midge (reference) |
Culicoides sonorensis |
Not susceptible |
- |
Chicken – Duck – Geese – Turkey – Quail and Pigeon (reference) |
- |
Not susceptible |
- |
Pig (reference1) (reference2) (reference3) |
- |
Yes (Low susceptibility) |
No |
Cattle (reference1) (reference2) (reference3) |
- |
Yes (Low susceptibility) |
No |
Horse (reference) |
- |
No |
- |
Sheep (reference) |
- |
Yes (Low susceptibility) |
No1 |
Goat (reference1) (reference2) |
- |
Yes (Low susceptibility) |
Not specified |
Alpaca (reference) |
- |
No |
- |
Rabbit (reference) |
- |
Yes |
Not specified |
Cat (reference) | - | Yes | Yes |
Dog (reference) |
- |
Yes (Low susceptibility) |
No |
Sprague Dawley rats (reference) |
Rattus norvegicus |
Yes |
Not specified |
Elk (reference1) (reference2) |
Cervus canadensis |
Yes (ancestral virus) |
No |
Mule deer (reference) |
Odocoileus hemionus |
Yes |
Yes |
Mexican free-tailed bats (reference) |
Tadarida brasiliensis |
Yes |
No |
Little brown bats (reference) |
Myotis lucifugus |
No |
Ardalan, M., Cool, K., Gaudreault, N. N., Bold, D., Mannix, A., Hanzlicek, G. A., Richt, J. A., & Pogranichniy, R. M. 2024. Cattle, sheep, and goat humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV-2. Veterinary and Animal Science, 26, 100408. [reference]. This serosurveillance study conducted in US and detected low seroprevalnce (1-2.5%) in cattle, sheep and goats using ELISA and sVNT, while none of the samples tested positive by the VNT.
Ardalan, M., Cool, K., Gaudreault, N. N., Bold, D., Rojas, C., Mannix, A., Seetahal, J., Richt, J. A., & Pogranichniy, R. M. 2024. Bison, Elk, and Other Captive Wildlife Species Humoral Immune Responses against SARS-CoV-2. Animals: an open access journal from MDPI, 14(19), 2829. [reference]. Sera of captive animals in US including cheetahs, gorillas, lions, hippopotamuses, elk, and bison had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using sVNT, ELISA and/or VNT.
Breugem, T. I., Samra Riesebosch, Schipper, D., Mykytyn, A. Z., Petra, Joaquim Segalés, Lamers, M. M., & Haagmans, B. L. 2024. Resistance to SARS-CoV-2 infection in camelid nasal organoids is associated with lack of ACE2 expression. Npj Viruses, 2(1). [reference]. This invitro study demonstrate that the camelid nasal organoids are highly susceptible to Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection, but not to infection with different SARS-CoV-2 variants (614G, BA.1 or EG.5.1.1).
Castillo, A. P., Miranda, J. V. O., Fonseca, P. L. C., Moreira, R. G., de Araújo E Santos, L. C. G., [...] & Aguiar, R. S. 2024. SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in captive animals at the belo horizonte zoo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Virology journal, 21(1), 297. [reference]. This study detected the SARS-CoV-2 RNA in six wild mammal species out of 47 examined at the Belo Horizonte Zoo, the genome sequencing revealed circulation of two different variants.
Fernández-Bastit, L., Montalvo, T., Franco, S., Barahona, L., López-Bejar, M., Carbajal, A., Casas-Díaz, E., Closa-Sebastià, F., Segalés, J., & Vergara-Alert, J. (2024). Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 infection in urban and peri-urban wildlife species from Catalonia (Spain). One health outlook, 6(1), 15. [reference]. assessed SARS-CoV-2 presence and/or exposure in 232 rodents, 313 wild boar, and 37 Vietnamese Pot-bellied pigs in Catalonia during the pandemic period (2020-2023), the results demonstrated absence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and exposure based on RT-PCR and VNT respectively.
Goldberg, A. R., Langwig, K. E., Brown, K. L., Marano, J. M., Rai, P., King, K. M., Sharp, A. K., Ceci, A., Kailing, C. D., Kailing, M. J., Briggs, R., Urbano, M. G., Roby, C., Brown, A. M., Weger-Lucarelli, J., Finkielstein, C. V., & Hoyt, J. R. (2024). Widespread exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in wildlife communities. Nature communications, 15(1), 6210. [reference]. 23 species of wildlife sampled for SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in six species, including the deer mouse, Virginia opossum, raccoon, groundhog, Eastern cottontail, and Eastern red bat between May 2022–September 2023 across Virginia and Washington, D.C., USA. Genome sequencing revelaed different lineages of Omicron variant.
Lunardi, M., Cardoso, D., Emanuele Gustani-Buss, Chideroli, R. T., Medeiros, I., Kamila Chagas Peronni, [...], & Alfieri, A. A. 2024. Higher Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Shedding by Cats than Dogs in Households with Owners Recently Diagnosed with COVID-19. Viruses, 16(10), 1599–1599. [reference]. SRAS-CoV-2 RNA detected in 25% of cats and 0.98% of dogs in Brazil, almost all the infected animals had close contact with COVID-19 human cases.
Global level
Regional and national level
Within FAO’s COVID-19 Recovery and Response Programme, several projects are already in place as part of Preventing the Next Zoonotic Pandemic (PNP), that help countries to better prevent and mitigate risks related to SARS-CoV-2 at the animal-human interface and build national capacities in pandemic preparedness (see below for details).
Regional level
Through these projects and others, FAO is supporting countries in West and Central Africa since the beginning of the pandemic in mitigating negative impacts of COVID-19 by:
National level
Information provided herein is current as of the date of issue. Information added or changed since the last SARS-COV-2 animal situation update appears in orange. Human cases are depicted in the geographic location of their report. For some cases, exposure may have occurred in one geographic location but reported in another. For cases with unknown onset date, reporting date was used instead. FAO compiles information drawn from multiple national (Ministries of Agriculture or Livestock, Ministries of Health; Centers for Disease Prevention and Control [CDC]) and international sources (World Health Organization [WHO], World Organisation for Animal Health [WOAH]) as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles nd preprints. FAO makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on these map(s) do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. Dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
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