Antimicrobial Resistance

About AMR

What is it?
What is it?
FAO's role
FAO's role
Who we are
Who we are
Key sectors
Key sectors

Antimicrobial drugs are key in the treatment of diseases, and their use is essential to protect both human and animal health. However, antimicrobials misuse in the livestock sector, aquaculture and crop production is a major concern as a risk for emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistant micro-organisms.

Key facts

In 2019, 5 million human deaths were associated by bacterial antimicrobial resistance worldwide, including 1.3 million human deaths attributable to bacterial AMR (The Lancet)

27 different antimicrobial classes used in animals

Total global animal health market in 2011 was equivalent to USD 22 billion (OECD)

118 countries reported quantitative data on antimicrobial use in animals between 2015 and 2017, an increase from 89 reporting in 2015


University curriculum assessment on the learning outcomes related to antimicrobial resistance: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Grodno State Agrarian University

The Strengthening Veterinary Education on Antimicrobial Resistance series compiles assessment reports of veterinary education institutions, detailing strengths and areas for improvement in the institutions’ curricula, and recommendations to enhance their education on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) [...]

University curriculum assessment on the learning outcomes related to antimicrobial resistance: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

The Strengthening Veterinary Education on Antimicrobial Resistance series compiles assessment reports of veterinary education institutions, detailing strengths and areas for improvement in the institutions’ curricula, and recommendations to enhance their education on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) [...]

Antimicrobial resistance prevention and education in schools: a brief for education policymakers and school practitioners.

This brief underscores the critical role that schools play in addressing AMR and outlines actions for policy-makers and school practitioners to consider.


ACT / Bolivian authorities forge ahead with the introduction of e-prescriptions for veterinary antimicrobials

Great progress was made in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the Plurinational State of Bolivia at the end of January, when officials and professionals met to agree on next steps for introducing e-prescriptions [...]

ACT / Surveillance study in Cambodia reveals need for urgent action

A recent surveillance study of foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Cambodia has revealed an urgent need for stricter regulations on antimicrobial use in the country’s livestock sector. Carried out under the FAO-implemented and Republic of [...]

Ethiopia’s One Health AMR surveillance: challenges, opportunities, and future prospects

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents a critical challenge to public health, with significant threats to human, animal, and environmental health. Ethiopia’s efforts to establish a robust AMR surveillance system, which aligns with the One Health approach, [...]


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