Résistance aux antimicrobiens

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World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, 18-24 November 2020: New language versions of the technical brief on WASH and AMR now available!

Antimicrobial-resistant microbes that can cause infections (pathogens), along with antimicrobials themselves, can be present in the environment. Contamination of the environment with animal and fish waste containing antimicrobial residue can persist and travel (spread).

Les infections résistantes aux médicaments menacent de devenir la prochaine pandémie.

Semaine mondiale pour un bon usage des antimicrobiens 2020: La FAO émet des recommandations pour freiner la propagation du danger des bactéries multirésistantes

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020: Sounding the alarm that AMR is here and now

Today marks the start of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) 2020. WAAW is a week of global action, events and activities to raise awareness of the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The annual campaign takes place on 18-24 November led by [...]

FAO promotes prudent use of antimicrobials

For World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2020 (WAAW), FAO is organizing a series of activities to call attention to this important topic to different audiences of Europe and Central Asia.

Tackling the dependence of EU food systems on antimicrobials

In the run-up to European Antibiotic Awareness Day, the European Parliamentary interest group on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) organized an online discussion on ways to reduce AMR to improve the health of people, animals and the environment.

United in the One Health approach to protect antimicrobials

The World Antibiotic Awareness Week is of particular importance this year as the COVID-19 crisis is increasing the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials, including antibiotics. Unless something is done, this could worsen the growing long-term problems of antimicrobial resistance.

Healthier food systems: FAO and EU step up work against Antimicrobial Resistance

FAO officers met with colleagues from the EU Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to take stock of joint activities and explore new opportunities for collaboration, especially in the [...]

Looking for comments: launch of public review

7 October. Today the Development Law Service of FAO (LEGN) launched the public review of the “Methodology to analyse AMR-Relevant Legislation in the Food and Agriculture Sector – Guidance Document for Regulators”, available in English, Spanish, French and Russian.   The public [...]

¿Sabes el impacto que tiene el cambio de comportamiento para contener la RAM?

Recientemente FAO realizó el webinar "Reunión inicial y aprendizaje conjunto del conocimiento conductual", en el cual participaron expertos en antropología, medicina tropical y conocimiento conductual, para analizar el impacto que tiene la comunicación de riesgos y la generación de conocimientos [...]

FAO y países definen hojas de ruta para mitigar los riesgos de la RAM

En el marco del proyecto “Contención de la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos en los sistemas de producción de alimentos terrestres y acuáticos, bajo el enfoque Una Salud en América Latina” (Proyecto Integrado), que se realiza en Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú y [...]
