
First FAO AMR course on VLC platform concludes


Virtual regional training on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy food animals aimed to build capacity of laboratory & epidemiology staff

20 September 2022 BANGKOK | The first virtual regional training on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria from healthy food animals has been concluded. 74 trainees from Asia and the Pacific were nominated to join the epidemiology and laboratory modules.

The course is mainly based on Volume 1 of FAO’s collection on regional AMR monitoring and surveillance guidelines, which guides the development and implementation of AMR surveillance in bacteria from healthy food producing animals. The guidelines are unique because it takes into consideration the current context of the region while remaining anchored in existing international standards and guidance.

FAO developed and delivered the regional training through its Virtual Learning Centre for Asia and the Pacific, in close collaboration with the FAO Reference Centre for AMR, Chulalongkorn University (CU). The course was structured as a combination of self-directed online modules and live tutoring-session.

Course tutors included CU Prof Rungtip Chuanchuen, Dr Pattrarat Chanchaithong and Dr Taradon Luangtongkum, and FAO RAP Dr Mary Joy Gordoncillo and Dr Agnes Agunos. Philippine government veterinarian Dr Allyssa Mae Portes, one of the nominated participants, said that the course was “student-friendly” and they find all the skills they learned very useful.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which financially supported the course through the FAO–USAID Global Health Security Programme AMR project, expressed support for FAO’s AMR work. USAID Senior Regional Emerging Infectious Diseases Advisor Dr Dan Schar said that “USAID is pleased and honoured to support this learning course. The training contributes to building the evidence base necessary to make the appropriate interventions in the right place at the right time.”


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