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The FAO and OIE pursue development of regional guideline for monitoring antimicrobial use at farm level in the Asia Pacific Region

Second expert consultation meeting aimed at developing regional guidelines on the monitoring of antimicrobial use at the farm level Bangkok, Thailand. The lack of specific guidelines on monitoring of antimicrobial use at farm level prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the [...]

На Генеральной Ассамблее ООН Генеральный директор ФАО призвал к решительным действиям по борьбе с устойчивостью к противомикробным препаратам (УПП)

Необходимо решать двойную задачу удовлетворения растущих потребностей в животных белках при одновременном снижении рисков УПП.

Генеральная Ассамблея ООН проведет Интерактивный диалог высокого уровня по проблеме устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам, представляющей собой угрозу для глобального общественного здравоохранения и развития

Прозвучал призыв к действиям по борьбе с УПП в рамках подхода "Единое здоровье" и по осуществлению Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года

Collaboration key to success with surveillance and monitoring on antimicrobial resistance

More than 500 participants gathered online on Tuesday 16 March 2021 to learn about the tools and resources that FAO and WHO make available to support countries in establishing and implementing their surveillance and monitoring systems on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). [...]

Talleres 2021sobre Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos en Uruguay

Entre el 18 de marzo y el 27 de abril de 2021 se realizan talleres virtuales regionales sobre Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (RAM) en Uruguay. La Organización Panamericana de la Salud y Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS-OMS), la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal [...]

Understanding culturally-related risk factors for antimicrobial resistance

Within Maasai pastoralist communities, milk provides a rich source of nutrients and income, especially for women, and plays a central role in cultural and religious ceremonies. Having milk means having livestock, and having livestock means the continuation of the Maasai [...]

Senegal: FAO promotes pioneering initiative to help tackle antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global threat of increasing concern to human, animal, plant and environmental health. It has implications for food safety, food security and the economic wellbeing of millions of farming households. The health consequences and economic [...]

G-20 reafirma compromiso para luchar contra la RAM

26 de noviembre 2020. La Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (RAM) y el enfoque “Una Salud”, como modelo estratégico de gestión  para contener a esta amenaza sanitaria, reafirma su  relevancia y posicionamiento en la agenda político – internacional, al señalar  los [...]

Stemming the tide of Antimicrobial Resistance by investing in a One Health approach

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO), together form the Tripartite on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The Tripartite, in partnership with the European Commission, held a special InfoPoint Conference [...]

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