Устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам

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Viet Nam: Together and Stronger against antimicrobial resistance

The second National Antibiotics Awareness Week in Viet Nam highlights the continued high level commitment of the government against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Running under the theme: Together and Stronger against AMR, the campaign brings together various sectors: health, agriculture, industry [...]

Codex begins new work on antimicrobial resistance

The 2016 Codex Alimentarius Commission acknowledged that AMR is a serious public health threat requiring urgent attention by Codex, and that a coordinated approach was needed at the international and national level to combat AMR

Laos joins race against the clock to overcome antimicrobial resistance

Laos and other countries around the world have pledged to take immediate action to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Globally and in the region, the pledge to combat AMR was made with the support and collaboration of FAO, OIE [...]

Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance: Save Lives, Use Antibiotics Prudently

"The imprudent and irrational use of antibiotics – in livestock, fisheries, agriculture and public health sectors contributes to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Antibiotics are indeed essential in treating animal diseases, but their misuse and overuse can lead to the [...]

Все об устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам

По оценкам, ежегодно смерть почти 700 000 человек наступает в связи с инфекциями, устойчивыми к противомикробным препаратам. Во всем мире устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам (УПП) представляет собой все большую угрозу пищевой и продовольственной безопасности, средствам к существованию, здоровью и благополучию [...]

Необходимы масштабные исследования, чтобы снизить устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам на фермах

Растущее количество доказательств того, что продовольственные системы могут быть главными проводниками устойчивости к противомикробным препаратам (УПП), указывает на необходимость повышения бдительности в процессе использования антибиотиков на фермах.

Countries in Asia-Pacific race against the clock to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Representatives from countries in Asia and the Pacific have pledged to take immediate action to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. The pledge was made with the support and collaboration of FAO, OIE and WHO.

Countries in Asia-Pacific race against the clock to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Representatives from countries in Asia and the Pacific have pledged to take immediate action to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. The pledge was made with the support and collaboration of FAO, OIE and WHO.

Viet Nam Action Plan for AMU/AMR reduction in Livestock Sector

FAO Viet Nam's ECTAD, in collaboration with DAH, organized a Consultation Workshop entitled: ‘Viet Nam Action Plan for Antimicrobial Usage (AMU)/Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) reduction in Livestock Sector’ on 1 November 2016 in Hanoi

Join the antimicrobial resistance pledge

In preparation for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week the general public is encouraged to participate in a social media campaign to raise awareness about antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR is a global emerging threat to humans and animals, which results from [...]

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