Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)
Title of the project: Implementation of Codex standards to support containment and reduction of foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) (GCP/GLO/505/ROK)
Status: Ongoing
Donor: Republic of Korea
Budget: 10 million USD
Target Countries: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia, Nepal and Pakistan.
Period: July 2021 to July 2026
Objectives: This project will work at both the global and local levels to support the implementation of Codex standards, especially those related to the containment and reduction of foodborne AMR and the monitoring and surveillance of foodborne AMR. The project will also assess the use and impact of Codex standards related to AMR. It is expected that implementation of the standards will lead to better management of foodborne AMR in the six focus countries. Results will then be used to plan effective interventions to promote the adoption of Codex standards in other countries/regions.
Activities and Outputs
A two-way approach will be applied to support participating countries by:
- developing tools and approaches at the global level to use of Codex standards, with a specific focus on foodborne AMR and providing support for data collection and analysis to inform risk management of foodborne AMR
- working with countries to assess needs and support the implementation of monitoring and surveillance programmes and risk management measures based on Codex standards on foodborne AMR
The project will support participating countries to:
- raise awareness and increase the use of Codex standards, with a specific focus on AMR
- develop/implement an integrated monitoring and surveillance system of AMR and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) in food production
- strengthen their capacities to manage the development and transmission of foodborne AMR through the adoption and implementation of Codex standards on foodborne AMR.
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