Antimicrobial Resistance

AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform

Catalyzing a global movement for action against AMR

The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform, established and facilitated by the Quadripartite organizations (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH), aims to catalyse a global movement for action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by fostering cooperation between a diverse range of stakeholders at all levels across the One Health spectrum. It seeks to ensure a healthier, more sustainable and resilient present and future in which antimicrobials are preserved as critical lifesaving medicines accessible to everyone. The Coordinating Team of the Platform is hosted by FAO.

The UN High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024

26 September 2024

Investing in the present and securing our future together: accelerating multisectoral global, regional and national actions to address antimicrobial resistance.

About the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024

The UN High-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) will take place on 26 September 2024, at the UN Headquarters in New York, during the general debate of the Assembly at its 79th session, from 10 am to 6 pm.

It will enable Governments and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, research and academia, private sector, intergovernmental organizations, youth and indigenous peoples, UN agencies, philanthropic organizations, etc. to reinvigorate progress on addressing antimicrobial resistance comprehensively and multisectorally.

Click here to read the Modalities document that provides an overview of the organizational aspects of the meeting.

Special accreditation for the 2024 High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

In order to participate in the high-level event, the following categories of relevant organizations that are not in consultative status with ECOSOC must express interest and must apply for special accreditation.

  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Civil society organizations
  • Academic institutions
  • Private sector

The Application for special accreditation closes on 28 June 2024 at 23:59 [EDT].

Apply HERE.

Public release of the call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of AMR

This event presented a call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of AMR embodying the multi-stakeholder One Health vision of priorities on AMR to inform the outcomes document of the UN High-Level Meeting in AMR.

New publication

Call for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Key recommendations for action on antimicrobial resistance for consideration by UN Member States in the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR, May 2024

[In Brief version]




14 May

From Resistance to Resilience by Foreign Policy Magazine and IFPMA
[More info here]

14 May

Launch of the Youth Manifesto by the Quadripartite Working Group on Youth Engagement for AMR

14 May

Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance is urgent for cancer treatment and care by UICC,
React, Permanent Mission of Sweden

15 May

AMR affects us all:  stories and solutions from communities
by UN Foundation, UICC and others

15 May

Multi-stakeholder hearings
AMR Platform
New York, US | 10:00 – 16:45 EDT

26 - 31 May

Environmental Dimension of AMR (EDAR7)
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
[Register] [More info here]

27 May - 1 Jun

AMR stand: 77th session of the World Health Assembly
Geneva, Switzerland
[Register] [More info here]

20 - 30 May

AMR stand: 91 General Session of WOAH
Paris, France | 9:00 – 18:30 CEST
[Register] [More info here]

27 May

Side event: WHO GA on vaccines and AMR
Geneva, Switzerland

28 May

Side event to WHO GA on AMR (launch of Lancet series)
One Health Trust and Partners
Geneva, Switzerland

30 May

Side event: WHA77 - Linking the fight against AMR with the attainment of UHC and better PPR – AMR people centred approach
Asia – Europe Foundation (ASEF)
Geneva, Switzerland | 19:00 – 21:00 CEST

10 - 14 Jun

175 FAO Council session
Rome, Italy

3 - 6 Jun

G20 3rd Health Working Group meeting
Session: Climate Change and Health – Equity and One Health
G20 Health
Salvador, Brazil

13 - 15 Jun

G7 Heads of State Summit
Borgo Egnazia, Italy

18 - 21 Jun

Global Health Security Conference
Sidney, Australia
[Register] [More info here]

8 - 17 Jul

High-Level Political Forum for the SDGs
New York, US
[Register] [More info here]


G20 Ministers of Development Meeting
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

17 - 21 Aug

International One Health Conference (ISOHA Assembly)
The conference will feature a diverse range of topics under the overarching theme of “International One Health in Action,” highlighting the integration of health, environment, and agriculture. Ecosystem restoration, sustainable agriculture, and strategies for addressing emerging infectious diseases will be explored. The impact of climate change on health and adaptation/mitigation strategies, youth engagement in global health, and the challenges of vaccine access are also key focal points.
Bangkok, Thailand | 17-18 Aug - One Health Conference, 19-21 Aug - ISOHA Assembly
[Register] [More info here]

2 - 6 Sep

Additional G20 HWG meeting
G20 Health
Natal, Brazil

20 - 23 Sep

8th World One Health congress
Global OH community
South Africa

24 Sep

UNGA side event on AMR
One Health Trust and Partners
New York, US


AMR Platform
New York, US

17 Oct

International Day for the eradication of Poverty
[Register] [More info here]

13-15 Oct

World Health Summit
Berlin, Germany
[Register] [More info here]

21 Oct - 1 Nov

COP 16 Biodiversity
[Register] [More info here]

29 - 31 Oct

4th Meeting of the G20 HWG. G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting. Health and Finance Ministers’ Meeting (JFHTF)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

14 - 15 November

Side event: 4th High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR
Saudi Arabia

date tbc

2nd Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform

11 - 22 November

AMR side event: COP29 UN Climate Change Conference
Baku, Azerbaijan
[Register] [More info here]

18 - 19 November

G20 Heads of State Summit
Call to action for AMR agenda implementation
[Register] [More info here]

1 December

World Aids Day

10 December

World Human Rights Day
[Register] [More info here]


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