
Country Self-Assessment (GAP)

The Global Action Plan (GAP) on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was adopted in 2015 by all countries through decisions at the World Health Assembly (WHA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Governing Conference, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Assembly of Delegates.

To support ongoing assessments of country progress, FAO, OIE and WHO developed a monitoring questionnaire for countries to report progress in implementing the GAP. Country responses are used to guide follow-up actions and identify areas where further assistance and support is needed.

The second questionnaire report is now available and a total of 154 countries responded. This data is available in the open access database.

The first round of monitoring took place in late 2016-early 2017. This progress was reported back to the WHA and the OIE World Assembly of Delegates in May 2017. A total of 151 countries responded and all of the results are available in the online database.

The first questionnaire asked countries to assess their progress with multi-sectoral work on AMR, developing a national AMR action plan, and implementing key actions to address AMR. The questionnaire included questions on progress in human health, animal health, crop production, food safety and the environment.

The current questionnaire has been updated to take into account suggestions provided by countries. For example, language has been simplified where appropriate and plant health questions have been separated out to make it easier for countries to respond. A guidance note has also been developed to assist countries in responding to the questionnaire.

Each country was asked to submit one official response, validated by all relevant sectors, which summarises national progress. The national responses were submitted using the online questionnaire. One access key was sent through WHO to the Ministry of Health, to ensure only one version of the questionnaire per country.

Country responses were requested by 1 March 2018.

Development of the third annual questionnaire is currently underway. Watch this space for updates.

The questionnaire was developed jointly between FAO, OIE and WHO. WHO is coordinating this annual global monitoring process. Questions on the process or the questionnaire may be directed to Pravarsha Prakash in WHO at [email protected]. WHO will act as liaison point with FAO and OIE.

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