Archives des publications

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting in collaboration with OIE on Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance: Role of the Environment, Crops and Biocides
There is clear scientific evidence that foods of plant origin may serve as a vehicle of foodborne exposure to antimicrobial-resistant bacteria...

Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry
This manual will contribute to addressing the challenge of AMR by promoting the prevention of infections and the prudent use of antibiotics in the pig and poultry sectors...

Carryover in feed and transfer from feed to food of unavoidable and unintended residues of approved
Carryover of veterinary drug residues in feed or transfer to food must be properly managed to avoid contaminated feed to harm animal or render food unsafe for human consumption...

The performance of antimicrobial susceptibility testing programmes relevant to aquaculture and aquacultural products
This technical paper addresses best practice guidelines for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria isolated from aquatic animals and their environments...

Antimicrobial movement from agricultural areas to the environment: The missing link. A role for nuclear techniques
This paper will provide alternative screening methods useful for environmental samples and surveillance approaches in planning such screening efforts...