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Joint FAO/WHO food standards programme codex alimentarius commission: matters arising from fao and who - recent activities on antimicrobial resistance

The Codex Alimentarius Commission has actively been engaged in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through standard setting, supported by the provision of scientific advice by FAO and WHO, often with participation of OIE1. The major achievements of the Commission [...]

Данный документ представляет собой руководство по ответственному и благоразумному применению противомикробных препаратов для животных, используемых для получения пищевых продуктов, и призван дополнять «Международные нормы и правила контроля за применением

Данный документ представляет собой руководство по ответственному и благоразумному применению противомикробных препаратов для животных, используемых для получения пищевых продуктов, и призван дополнять «Международные нормы и правила контроля за применением ветеринарных препаратов (CAC/RCP 38-1993)». Его целью является минимизация потенциального неблагоприятного воздействия на [...]

REPORT on Antimicrobial Usage and Alternatives for Prophylaxis and Performance Enhancement in Pig Populations in East and Southeast Asia

Pig production in East and Southeast Asia The demand for pork products has increased over the last decades, leading to a doubling of pig production in the last 20 years. Asia now accounts for more than 60 percent of global pig [...]

Responsible use of antibiotics in aquaculture

Antibiotics are drugs of natural or synthetic origin that have the capacity to kill or to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. Antibiotics that are sufficiently non-toxic to the host are used as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases [...]

Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR; also used for “antimicrobial resistant” in this document) is a major global public health concern and a food safety issue. When pathogens become resistant to antimicrobial agents they can pose a greater human health risk as a [...]

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